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It's been nearly a year, we all lost contact of each other except me and Hoseok. Since Jimin left argues and fights followed and some took the side of Jimin and some the side of Taehyung, I had no right to speak into this cause I was called 'the cause' of their break-up cause Taehyung was kissing me and that broke Jimin. I didn't argue with them and went with the flow, I had no will to fight with my own friends for a matter I and only knew the truth.

Jimin never left Taehyung because of the kiss he had with me, Jimin left Taehyung only because he couldn't bare the fact he was making Taehyung depressed instead of happy. He just didn't want to live with regrets and with an unhappy Taehyung. Taehyung was his favorite person in this thing called world. He obviously couldn't see him like that. That's why he left.

This 9 months Taehyung has been living with me outside of the city of Seoul, once the doctors made sure he could stop the medication he was taking, they told me that It would be better for him to stay somewhere with fresh air and far away from stuff that could trigger his memories. That's what we did, 26th of April we grabbed our stuff and left Seoul, there was no way I was letting him go somewhere on his own.

Hoseok is the only one that visits us really often and wants to see how Taehyung is doing, the rest of the guys learn about him through Hoseok. I don't mind this at all...Jimin made me promise to him to not tell anyone so I can't break my promise for my own ego. Things will get fixed and that's something I can't lose hope of. 

The only thing worrying me is Taehyung, these months he has been extremely quiet. When we first arrived here he was still hyptonized by all the events that happened, so he could not participate into moving on. Then he started being himself again, things were great until he saw an article written by Jimin on the news about music culture in Busan, when he read the name his lips started to tremble and soon he couldn't do anything but cry. I ran into the living room and saw the TV open and him kneeling in front of it as he cried. I turned off the TV quickly and took him inside of my arms, I kept screaming so he could listen to me but his crying was just getting louder, he obviously was telling me that non of what I'm saying meant something to him.

That day I ended up giving him a pill, the doctor had warned me that only in a really odd behavior I was supposed to give it to him, and I had this always as my last choice when Taehyung would feel depressed or sad. Since then I try to find stuff to keep his mind clear, I threw away the TV and started buying him stuff he used to use before. He locks himself up on his bedroom and draws for hours. I check up on him and many times find him sound asleep on the floor. I don't know if this is going good, for all I know is that he has started drawing what he feels instead of hurting himself. He eats well now and talks to me, and most importantly he has been making friends with other guys in our age here... but still there are times when I look at him and he seems empty.

He is not obsessed with Jimin, he just depended his life on him and he just can't love himself for who he truly is anymore. I am worried but nothing I do seems to help him. He keeps pushing me away. Especially me, he talks to Hoseok and seems to smile with everyone else, but when it's the two of us he seems pretty uncomfortable and quiet, this is the only thing worrying me this days.


This...and one more little detail...Jungkook...Hoseok tells me he is the happiest he has ever been, living with Jimin is the best thing that could ever happen to him, that's something I hate to think about and at the same time something I am happy for...If he is happy then I am happy for him too...But still it hurts to know this...I wish I didn't.


A soft hit on my head stopped my thoughs that were running inside of my brain. I looked back just to see Taehyung. He bit his lip and pointed at the kitchen. I just wished he didn't burn himself or something but he just held my arm and signaled me to follow him.

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