Part 2: Time to Let go

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My hands were still shaking as Todoroki held me on his back. We passed the boy who caused this mess as we reached the door. "Are you feeling okay now, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked, his voice easing my chest. "I know that you're sensitive to your memories right now." He sighed, squeezing my leg with his hand. "He- He-" I choked, "it's hard to remember." I let out, my chest was still tight from the pressure of trying to remember him. "Just breathe." He muttered, setting me down on the warm concrete. I allowed myself to lay on my back, feeling the warmth of the ground. "How does he know me?" I asked, a tear running down my face as I turned away from the bright sun. "It's a long story. I don't want to pressure you." He smiled, sitting down beside me. "I want to remember. Why is he so angry?" I asked, moving to rest my head on his lap. He tilted his head as his hand came to move my curls out of my face. The soft touch made a light blush spread across my face. "That's just how he is. Though, he might be a bit upset that you don't remember him." He explained, gently setting my head back onto the concrete as he stood to his feet. He let out a cough, "well, uh," he shook his head, "we should get back to our class-" "Young Midoriya!" All Might called as I pulled myself up to my knees. "Yeah-" "How is young Bakugou?" He turned to Todoroki who shrugged his shoulders, "he shouldn't have pressured Midoriya like that." He explained, turning to look down at me. He held out his hand as he helped me to my feet. "Thanks." I whispered. "Take a break over there, Midoriya." All Might smiled, pointing to the benches as he walked inside the building. I gave a nod as Todoroki and I headed in that direction.
He sat down first, gesturing for me to join him. I sat pressed up against his side, laying my head on his shoulder. "So warm, Todoroki." I whispered, closing my eyes. He let out an awkward cough before moving away, "Look, Midoriya, I don't think we should be getting this close," he muttered, looking down at his knees. "It's not my place to allow you to feel this way about me." He explained, and I tilted my head in confusion. "What way, Todoroki?" I asked, his face turned bright red as he covered it with his hands. "Nothing," he whispered and I let out a giggle. "But even if I did have feelings for you, would it be wrong?" I asked, suddenly feeling a bit guilty. "I- no, nothing like that." He muttered, "it's just, you weren't with me to begin with." He explained, "and I'd feel as though-" "Todoroki! You've been helping me through all of this for the past few days. I can't help but feel something for you." I explained as my cheeks began to burn. "And what do you mean, I wasn't with you to begin with?" I asked as he uncovered his face. "It's just, you don't remember, but," he sighed, "you were with Bakugou right before you lost your memories." He explained and I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my shock. "With him?" I could almost laugh. "But he's so angry!" I exclaimed under my breath, "even if I was with him before you, you've been kind to me." I explained, letting a small smile spread across my face. " if I was with him before I lost these memories, shouldn't I confirm things with him?" I muttered under my breath. "What was that?" Todoroki asked. "Oh, nothing." I smiled, throwing my arms around his neck. "Just know, my feelings for you are true." I smiled.
We joined the rest of the class as All Might decided he wanted to have a private chat with the three of us. "I'm sorry young Midoriya for putting you in that situation. The teachers and I agreed to partake in helping you regain your memories." He explained, "but we didn't know it would've caused such an episode." He gave me a sympathetic smile. "It's alright, All Might. I'll do better next time!" I smiled, pumping my fist in the air. "And you, Young Bakugou. What in the world were you thinking?" All Might seemed a bit more serious now. "What do you mean, old man?" He snapped back. I felt a little angry knowing he'd disrespect All Might like that. "You deliberately tried to trigger Midoriya's memories without knowing the consequences." He crossed his arms. "Whatever." He grumbled, turning to walk away. "Next time, be more careful." All Might ordered. "Yeah, yeah." His voice was fading as he continued to walk away. "Hey, Todoroki, you go on ahead." I smiled, patting his shoulder, "there's something I need to say to Bakugou."
"H-Hey! Wait up!" I called as I ran to the angry guy. "Leave me alone, Deku." I felt a sting in my chest as he called me that. "Just slow down for a second!"
"What do you want?" He snapped, turning around to look at me. I caught up to him, resting my hands on my knees as I caught my breath. "T-Todoroki told me you and I were going out before I lost my memories," I explained, letting out another breath. He stayed silent. I looked up to see his eyebrows furrowed as he bit his lower lip. He looked as though he was in pain. "Are you okay?" I asked, reaching my hand to touch his shoulder. He slapped it away, "Are you looking down on me again?" He snapped, wiping a tear from his face. "Remember-" he stopped mid-sentence. "Forget it, what did you want to say?" He rubbed his eyes.
He's getting on my nerves. Can't he just be kind for once?
"Well, I just wanted your permission for something." I sighed, "Since I don't remember you, I want you to know that all connections I've had with you are no longer there." I explained, wiping the sweat off my neck. "Considering that, I wanted to know if it would be an issue for you if me and Todoroki started going out." I explained. He took a deep breath and shook his head. "Do whatever the hell you want. It's none of my business." I could hear his voice shaking. "No, I want an honest answer." I asked, looking into his dark red eyes. He grabbed my face in his hand. "Just-" his voice was shaking. "Can you let me try one thing before you make any stupid decisions?" He asked, pressing his forehead against mine.
Is he going to kiss me?
"If that means you'll let me go."

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