Part 5: Jealousy

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"The day the power went out?" I could feel a sense of excitement fill my body, hoping that was the day he remembered. I shoved icyhot's hand off of me as I stared intently at his expression.
He shook his head. "The day I got captured." He muttered, "I remember you tried so hard to help me and to get me away from those people," he muttered, pulling me closer by the fabric of my jacket. "Thank you." He whispered, and I could feel heat rise to my cheeks. "Why?" I muttered, resting my hand on his. "I couldn't keep you safe."
After he left to his dorm with Icyhot, Kirishima and I decided to drink the last bottle we had. We sat there together, remembering what we had done the night before. I didn't love him, and he didn't love me. I made that clear to him yesterday.
We were only helping each other out.
I felt his teeth graze against my neck, sending a shutter down my spine. It was different than when I did this with Deku.
My head was still spinning from the alcohol, but I wanted to feel the relief. I let out a soft moan as he left kisses up and down my neck and back. He sat behind me, his breath hitting the back of my neck as he kissed my skin. "Fuck, Bakugou." He moaned drunkenly into my ear. His hand slid up through my shirt as he grabbed at my nipples. His warmth felt comforting, it reminded me of Deku.
I felt his tongue rub up and down the side of my ear as his left hand slid down my abs and onto the belt of my jeans.
. . .
The rest of that night was a blur, and by the time I had woken up the next morning, he was back at his own Dorm.
My head was pounding as my alarm woke me up for school. I suddenly remembered the night before, so I stood from my soft bed and fled into the bathroom.
"Dammit," I whispered under my breath, noticing how many marks he had left.
"Ayo, Bakugou!" I heard Spark face knock at the door to my room. "What?" I spat, fixing my collar.
"Wanna head to class with me bro?" He asked, barging into my room. "Fuck off, is that all you needed to ask?" I muttered, grabbing my bag. "Oh wow, Kirishima didn't go easy on you last night, huh?" The idiot teased, and I rolled my eyes."that's none of your business Shitface." I snapped, pushing him out of the way as I walked to my door. "Midoriya is outside." He said, causing me to stop in my tracks. "He's waiting for you. Says he needs to talk to you."
Well shit.
Did he realize?
I opened my door to see his familiar, freckled face. "Bakugou." He looked a bit irritated. "What?" I replied, feeling sweat start drip down the side of my face. "Were you in my dorm the other night?" He asked, crossing his arms.
Stupid, drunk me.
I looked away and began to walk past him. "Hey! Are you going to ignore me?" He called, grabbing at my sleeve. I shoved his hand away, allowing myself to relax.
This is just Deku. Why should I care so much?
"Don't walk away from me, asshole!" I could hear the lump in his throat as his voice broke. I turned to see tears in his reddened eyes. "Why are you crying?" I muttered, feeling a slight ache in my chest. "I don't know," he whispered, his hand coming to hit himself on the forehead. My eyes widened as the loud slap echoed through the hallway. "Why the hell did you do that?" I asked, grabbing his wrist to keep him from doing that again. He attempted to push himself away, but I kept my grip on his arm. "Let go of me!" He cried, pushing away from me, only to be pulled back into my grasp. "No." I sighed, "Not until you calm down and tell me how you're feeling." I muttered calmly, trying to get him to relax. He fell silent, the only thing I could hear was the sound of his labored breathing. "I'm frustrated, but a part of me feels really sad." He explained, keeping his gaze on the floor.
"I heard you and Kirishima last night," his voice cut out as he began to tremble again in my grip. "I suspected something yesterday," his voice was shaking, "I saw the marks on your neck." He wiped his eyes and made eye contact with me, "I know I shouldn't care," he cried, "So why do I?!" He yelled, tears were now running down his red cheeks, and I suddenly felt guilty.
"Deku, I'm sorry-" "don't apologize to me!" His pained cry interrupted me, "you don't owe me anything, and I don't owe you anything." He snapped, "just stay the hell out of my room, got it?" He growled, his eyes were bloodshot at this point. Deku tore himself out of my grasp before dashing down the hallway.
"Bakubro!" I sighed, knowing I had been avoiding him. "We need to talk." I muttered, realizing I couldn't walk away from the literal corner he cornered me into. The locker room was empty, I was usually the last one since I take a bit longer due to my clothing being drenched in sweat after training. My hair was still damp from the shower as I tossed my shirt on. "Yeah, we do." He sighed, "why the hell have you been avoiding me?" He asked, and I pulled my bag over my shoulder. "Because I don't think this is right." I explained, walking beside him to our next class. "What do you mean?" He asked, I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face. "Because, I don't think it feels right after being with Deku." I muttered, and his head tilted to the side. "Huh?" He whispered, "what is it cuz' I top you?" He whispered, "you can top me if you wanna," he muttered, leaning into my ear. I placed my arm to his chest to keep him from coming any closer. "Because, I still have feelings for Deku, and I think I always will." I spat, making direct eye contact with this fool, "And what happens if he remembers me one day," I muttered, "huh?"
Kirishima's face seemed to darken. "Look, man," he sighed, "I think you need to let him go-" "why?" I snapped, stopping in my tracks to stare directly at him. "It's not like it matters, right? You and me aren't dating and we never will." I grumbled. "Yeah I know, but-" "he came to me this morning and told me that he was feeling jealous you and I were doing shit yesterday." I explained, and his eyes widened. "Huh?" He muttered, "but that's impossible, isn't it? That blue haired girl told us something always-" "she told me if I tried hard enough, one day he might be able to remember." I explained, and he gave me a small nod. "Okay," he sighed and wrapped his arm around me, "so, what's your plan?"

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