Part 4: call my name

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I yawned, reaching my hands over my head as the morning sun hit my eyes. "Midoriya, you're finally awake." Todoroki grinned at me from his yoga mat. I thought back to the night before, remembering I had fallen asleep in the common area. "Why are we in your room?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "You fell asleep. It's easier to take you to my dorm instead of yours." He explained, stretching out his right leg. I felt a light blush spread across my face, and he seemed to notice, "don't worry, I slept on my mat." He explained, a light shade of pink spreading across his cheeks, "that's why I'm doing some extra stretching." He gave me a small smile. "But hurry, you need to go." He teased as he stood up from his mat and stretched his arms over his head. I nodded, jumping out of his warm bed.
He gently ushered me out the door as he rambled on about being late to school.
After I dashed down the hallway, I threw my door open. As shoveled through my dresser, the smell of caramel filled my nose, causing my stomach to growl. I shook my head and threw on my uniform before dashing out the door.
I whimpered as I ran into a muscular figure, dropping my bag onto the floor. I stumbled backward, losing my balance. A strong hand grabbed my elbow, keeping me from falling. The blonde made eye contact with me as he helped me stabilize myself. "Careful, Deku." He muttered as I realized who exactly it was. "Bakugou- I um, sorry." I exclaimed, suddenly feeling embarrassed of my behavior yesterday. I noticed the deep purple marks on his neck as he reached down to pick up my bag "don't worry about it." He muttered, his blood shot eyes flickered to meet mine.
I wonder why he looks so sick.
"Uhm, are you-" "Bakubro!" Kirishima interrupted. He came to Bakugou's side, wrapping an arm around his neck as he grinned down at me. "Good morning, Midoriya." He smiled as Bakugou flashed him an annoyed glance. "Good morning, Kirishima." I smiled, pulling my backpack straps tighter around my shoulders. "You headed to class?" Kirishima asked, "you could walk with us-" "I'm sure Todoroki is waiting for him somewhere." Bakugou interrupted the red-head, turning to walk away from me. My fists clenched as I felt a rush of blood flow to my cheeks.
Why does he act like such an asshole?
School was mostly uneventful until the end of the day when Uraraka decided to invite the class to the mall to shop. Todoroki declined, because he was going to visit his mother. But, I was determined to be with my classmates again.
"Bakugou, Kirishima- are you guys coming?" Uraraka asked. Bakugou put up a fight before Kirishima convinced him to join us. We all took the bus, Iida kept us in a neat line before I sat by Uraraka. Bakugou and Kirishima sat accross from us, the blonde kept his head down to look at his knees.
"So Deku, I know this might be a sensitive topic, but do you remember anything about when you were taken by that man?" She asked, and I gave her a nod. "I, um, remember all of it. I think." I muttered, wrapping my arms around myself.
I remember the times he touched me, cut me, used me.
I remember the girl in the room across from me.
I remember dying.
"Oh, so you remember then. I'm sorry we didn't get you out sooner, but we're all glad you're okay."
I heard Bakugou scoff, turning his head to look toward the front of the bus. "Yeah we're all glad he's okay." He muttered sarcastically. "Hey, hey man! Why are you acting like this?" Kaminari exclaimed, smacking Bakugou on the shoulder. "Whatever." He spat, clenching his fists.
The rest of the ride was silent, and I felt a huge weight lift off my chest once we walked out of the bus.
"Don't let him get to you," Uraraka smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah he can be a lot to handle sometimes." Iida explained as the three of us walked to the small coffee shop. "I'm pretty sure he has a reason to be upset." I whispered, "I mean, he kissed me."
Neither of them seemed surprised. "Yeah, you two were-" "I know." I interrupted, "but I want to be with Todoroki now."
At the end of the day, I found myself walking home alone. It was dark and quiet, but it was somehow peaceful. I could feel the wind in my hair and the sound of birds chirping. The smell of rain gave me a sense of hope that it would storm tonight.
"It's not safe to walk by yourself, you know." A voice startled me, but when I turned to see who it was I felt a bit relieved.
"Bakugou. Why are you following me?" I asked, allowing him to catch up. "Because we live in the same building, dumbass." He muttered. "I'm sorry for hitting you yesterday." I apologized, looking up to see a pained expression on his face. "I deserved it." He shrugged, looking down at his feet as we walked. "Why do you think that?" I asked, knowing there was a deeper meaning to what he said.
"Because, I wasn't there for you when-" "Heya, guys!" Kirishima called as he skipped to us with Kaminari.
I let out a soft sigh as the four of us walked into the building together. Todoroki was waiting for me on the couch, so I hurried to him. I saw him smile up at me which caused me to smile back. "Hey there, Midoriya. How was the mall?" He asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as I sat next to him. "It was okay, I ran into Bakugou and we talked a little. I apologized for hitting him." I explained, "but he said something that really has me thinking." I said, turning to see that his usual soft brows were now furrowed. "What did he say?" He asked, squeezing me a bit tighter. "He said he deserved to be hit because he wasn't here for me." I explained, "he was going to say something else but Kirishima interrupted-" "He blames himself for your memory loss." Todoroki explained, "see, you were with him when they took you."
. . .
"Deku!" A deep voice was resonating in my head, I remembered I couldn't move.
"Give him back, you bastards!" He sounded frantic, like he was being burned alive.
"You didn't tell me he was a student from UA,"
I let out a scream as I remembered the paralyzing feeling of the woman's quirk.
. . .
Was that voice Bakugou's?
"Midoriya? Are you alright?" Todoroki was holding me still as my body shook. My classmates were running into the room to see what the noise was about. "Is he okay?" Uraraka asked as I heard a loud explosion go off.
"Move, let me through." Bakugou pushed through the crowd to face me. "Deku, are you alright?" He asked, rushing to my side but still keeping his distance. "Can you call my name?" I asked, looking up at him. I noticed the tears that had begun welling in my eyes. "What?" He sounded confused as his eyes searched mine. "Please," I managed to squeak out.
"Izuku!" He called, his hands cupping his mouth. I shook my head, "no, the name you usually call me." I explained, grabbing the corner of his black jacket to keep him from walking away.
"Deku!" He called, and my eyes widened. So it was him. "So it was you." I muttered, releasing him from my grasp. "I need to go lay down." I muttered, stumbling to my feet. "What the Hell was that about, Deku?" He asked as he grabbed my shoulder and looked into my eyes. "Back away, Bakugou." Todoroki snapped, grabbing his shoulder and tugging at him. "It's okay, Todoroki." I mumbled, turning to look at the blonde in front of me as he searched my face with his eyes.
"I remember that night, Bakugou."

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