Part 7: forgiveness

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I caught him before his body hit the floor.
I saw his eyes roll back into his head before he lost consciousness. "Shit, shit, shit," I gasped, feeling his fragile body against my hands again. The rest of my classmates gathered around us. "Spark face, turn the lights back on- let me take him to my dorm." I sniffled, ignoring the sore tears that spilled over my eyes and down my cheeks.
"Are you sure he's going to be okay?" Headphone Jack asked as the rest of them stared at me.
"He'll be fine, just let him stay with me tonight."
"But how do you know this for sure, Bakugou?" Icyhot muttered, squatting down next to us.
"He remembered everything we said to each other that night like he was reading a script!"

"I wonder if he remembers crying to me after you raped him."

The hallway fell silent.
Guilt stabbed me like a knife.
I let out a choked gasp as I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.
"What?" A voice called.
My classmates began to murmur to themselves.
"Maybe we shouldn't let him stay with Bakugou after what he did."
Left and right my classmates began to scoff and bicker at me.
They tore him out of my arms.
"How could he? What kind of monster could do that to Deku?"
"No wonder this has been so painful for him,"
"We should tell Mr. Aizawa, Izuku shouldn't have to see his attacker every day,"

"Shut up!"
I cried, grabbing someone's arm.
"Don't you get it? I feel so fucking horrible about what happened!" I sobbed, grasping at anything I could get my hands on. "Don't take him," I wept, "Do you know how hard it is to be the only one who remembers that night?" I couldn't recognize my voice anymore.
"Any day I see him sad," I sobbed, "anytime I see him in pain," my forehead slammed against the ground, "even if it's a stupid goddamn paper cut," I tugged at my hair. "All I can think about is that Fucking night!"
Everyone was silent again.
"I've done everything I could since to make it up to him, and now I want to continue doing so."
I wiped my eyes, "don't take this away from me," I sniffled, "goddamn it, please!"
Everyone stared at me, every single one of my classmates- they were looking down on me. Treating me like I was rotten.
Maybe I am.
Do I even deserve his forgiveness?
Maybe I shouldn't be here at all.
"Let him stay," Shitty hair was the first to speak.
"Bakugou isn't going to make the same mistake again."
They argued with him for a moment, "no, for God's sake let me speak!" He interrupted.
"He and I started sleeping together," Kirishima muttered, turning toward everyone else.
"He never laid a finger on me without my consent."
"That doesn't mean anything, it could be different-"
"Listen, every night Bakugou cried to me about Midoriya. How bad he feels about everything and how much he wishes he could have him back. I'm not letting you guys take this away from him. Do you hear me?"
He somehow convinced them, and Deku was placed back into my arms.
I carried him into my dorm and laid him gently into bed.
My eyes were stapled open, I couldn't close them- not until I knew he was okay.
"Fuck!!!" Deku yelped, springing awake. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He howled, his hands coming to tear at his hair. "Woah, Deku, hold on-" "It Fucking hurts!" He cried, his eyes flickering to mine.
It was like he was dying all over again.
"You're not real, you're not real! Get out!" He shrieked, pointing at me with a shaky index finger.
"Shh, hey Deku, please look at me." I didn't know how to react, all I wanted to do was hold him.
But I refrained, if he still didn't remember- he wouldn't want me to touch him.
"You're not Kacchan, I'm not here! I'm dead, I'm gone!" He sobbed, tears rolling down his face.
I grabbed his hands and squeezed him close to me. My arms wrapped around him. His warmth and scent, it was home.
"I'm so sorry, please take a deep breath. Let me stay like this." I muttered, feeling my tears drip onto his hair. I wanted to heal him with my words.
He fell silent as his hands roamed around my chest and back.
His voice was different than the last couple of weeks.
It sounded little and sad again.
"Is that really you?"
His body was shaking harder than before.
"You smell like-" he began, but interrupted himself;
"I'm sorry, Kacchan, I'm so sorry." He sobbed, "him and I-I- we-" "shhh, Izuku," I mumbled, stopping his words from pouring out. "You're safe now, okay?" I nuzzled my face into his shoulder. His fingertips were gripping so tightly to my clothes I could hear the fabric stretching and popping.
Our foreheads connected while I looked into his pained eyes. "H-he really hurt me." Deku cried and I could feel a crushing weight on my heart.
"Where did he hurt you, love?" I muttered, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Let me heal you.
He shook his head, "it's embarrassing," he mumbled under his breath.
I grabbed his hands in mine, placing a kiss to each one.
"Never, ever be embarrassed with me. Do you hear me?" I smiled firmly.
He nodded, his head coming to my shoulder.
"Don't get mad, please." He whispered.
"Everywhere hurts. Here, and here. And here too."
He was pointing to every sensitive part of his body and every motion sent a pain through my chest.
I placed a kiss everywhere he wanted me to. I looked straight into his eyes with every kiss to make sure there was no discomfort in them.
"Here hurt really bad." He mumbled, wrapping his hands around his throat.
I gently moved his hands, nuzzling my face into his neck.
"Quiet now," I grumbled, "I'll protect you. Always. Never again will I let this happen. I'm so sorry," my tears were still going. The bottom of my eyes were red and sore from dehydration.
"Can you please keep touching me?" Deku asked, grabbing my hands and placing them on his curved hips. "Deku, I don't want to make you fee-"
"I want you. I missed you. I need you," he muttered, his teeth sinking down onto my neck. I let out a small gasp. "Please." He muttered, kissing the small bite mark he left.
AN: I think this is the end? I wrote this late at night so I might give you one more smut and fluff chapter if you guys want. But for now, tootles 😊

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