"What kind of music did you listen to?"

"Umm... well back then I used to say I listen to pretty much anything apart from rap, but honestly I listen to a lot of soundtracks. So, generally I don't listen to a lot of music by one artist. Other than that, I would say alternative rock pop? Imagine Dragons, Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, stuff like that?"

"Wow. How did you end up liking our music then?"

"Good question... I guess you guys were too cute for me to resist."

Namjoon chuckled at her teasing.

"Okay. Are you ready to go?"


Once Anna had grabbed her bag, she turned to see Namjoon holding his hand out to her. It was still strange for Anna that she had someone who wanted to hold her hand. Although she had gotten better with physical contact with her soulmates, sometimes she still found herself holding back from initiating it. If she allowed herself, Anna would probably spend every minute she could cuddle up to one of her soulmates. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but feel that they would end up finding her too clingy and annoying. As Namjoon's large warm hand enveloped Anna's, she wished that he would never let go.

As Anna expected they spent the afternoon cycling along the Han river. It was well known that Namjoon enjoyed riding along the river whenever he got the chance. It was peaceful. At some point, they stopped and just sat on the ground next to each other to admire the scenery.

"I feel kinda bad that I've been in Korea for just over a week now and this is the first time I've really been out and seen... anything."

"Didn't you go exploring the other day? You went shopping after your lesson."

"I wouldn't say I went exploring. It was a focused mission, purely to buy things I needed. I didn't look around the city or anything. Honestly, it was one of the scariest things I've ever done."

"Scarier than moving across the world?"

A small smile graced Anna's lips as she gazed out at the river.

"But I didn't move across the world alone. I had faith that my seven soulmates would look after me."

When her hand was engulfed in a larger one, Anna looked up at Namjoon. He had a serious expression on his face, and she was sure her heart skipped a heart as he regarded her so intently.

"We will. I will."

It was possible that Anna stopped breathing when Namjoon's other hand came up to caress her cheek.

"You can trust me to look after you. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy."

For a moment Anna wondered if she was dreaming. Those were the kind of words that appeared in fictional romances or dreams. She never ever thought that she would hear such words spoken directly to her.

Overwhelmed, Anna's vision blurred with tears which she rapidly blinked away. As a few escaped and rolled down her cheek, Namjoon's thumb was waiting to brush them away. During her loss of vision, he had leaned in closer and now Namjoon's face was just inches away from Anna's.


Anna took a deep shuddering breath and Namjoon smiled gently at her. He's so handsome. While tended to use words such as pretty, stunning or gorgeous to describe the other members of BTS. She had always regarded Namjoon as the most handsome. While the others could look more boyish, especially with what she would always describe as their Bieber hairstyles, Namjoon was all man.

Her heartbeat was pounding in her ears as he moved even closer to her. She felt a flash of panic, or possibly excitement before Namjoon placed a kiss on her forehead. Then he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. Anna didn't know whether to be grateful or frustrated that her soulmates were so respectful of her. Either way, at that moment she decided to take full advantage of the embrace and wrapped her arms tightly around him.

The pair stayed like that for a while. Eventually, Namjoon stated that they should start heading back if they wanted to make it in time for dinner. Anna had never disliked a bike so much as at the moment, as it kept her at a distance from her soulmate. However, it wasn't long before they were back home, hands entwined as they walked through the door. Anna tugged on his hand to stop him in the entranceway.

"I had fun today."

Before she had time to think about it and chicken out, Anna stretched up and gave Namjoon a kiss on the cheek. As she pulled away, she looked down feeling her cheeks heat up at her boldness and she shyly whispered to him.

"Thank you."

Before he could react, they were interrupted.

"Perfect timing! You guys just made it back in time for dinner!"

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