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"alright |y.n|-chan! you're getting it!" lev, the enthusiastic first year russian of nekoma high compliment you when you managed to spike the ball hard that it goes wham!! on the floor, too bad he isn't aware how you almost killed a certain somebody's jewel to spread their genes.

"yey!" nevertheless, you just exclaimed in glee for receiving a praise from the tall boy.

lev haiba clapped for your success that every person in the room -even if you're outside the gym so you cant bother the other players, would certainly  have their heart 100% shaking at the adorable scene before their very eyes.

the first year passed the volleyball to you while you took it from his hands and spike it, of course, it's not like you go jumping and stuff like hinata, you just slapped the ball hard that it made you chuckle.

at this point ísah wished her niece would be this adorkable as well. ughhh

getting tired from your 'practice' or play with you and lev constantly receiving, poor lev have to kneel down so that he can somehow be on your level, not really.

"big brother lev!" called boy hummed with a bright smile. "water!" you asked for a beverage to cool your dry throat and to feel refreshed. the first year nodded and told you to wait for him to go fetch his water bottle.

you pat the grass underneath you while singing your favorite song, a song that your mommy sing to you when it's just you and her alone. amidst the singing, you unconsciously find yourself dancing with the song.

it was just your frame going left and right with a bright smile. eve though your throat felt rather dry, it didn't stopped you from singing.

"you're my honeybunch sugarplum
pumpy-umpy-umpkin, you're my sweetie pie, you're my cuppycake,
gumdrop snoogums-boogums,
you're the apple of my eye"

stopping for a bit to look at your tubby hands and open and closing them. it felt weird yet at the same time cool that your hands were soft. your joyful singing turned soft along the way when you got distracted at looking at your hands.

"and i love you so, and i want you to know, that I'll always be right here
dnd i love to sing sweet songs to you
because you are so dear.." you smiled, missing your mommy before patting your lap. you didn't know why you did, you just did.

"|y.n|-chan!" lev came running with his tumbler and a cold water from the vending machine. he hands it to you while you tried to open it.


feeling your hands getting tired and hot, you pass the bottle to him. "hmm?" lev stopped drinking and looked at you before his eyes widen in realization. "oh!"

grabbing the water bottle, lev opened it with ease before passing it to you. "thank chu!" as a show of gratitude, you stood up from your sitting position and walked closer to him.

since lev is already seated and has his back slouched, it was kinda easy to reach him now. you peck his cheek that made him squeal in surprise. "chu!" you even made the expression.

your action tugged his heart strings as he awed at you. pushing your hairs behind since it was sticking on your skin.

ah yes, lev being cute
with children. (´ . .̫ . ')


88 Days // Haikyuu child readerWhere stories live. Discover now