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"im |y.n|!"

"you can call me uncle kenshin." ukai said, he doesn't want to be called uncle ukai for now since that sounds like something for his grandfather. so he will take this opportunity for you to call him by his first name. well what's the harm? you're a child after all.

"uncle ken!" you exclude the last part of his name, ukai smirked and laid out his hand, offering a high five. "great job." you slapped your hands into his.


then, he started to tell you stories about his boring old days in the store. although, throughout the half of it you got bored and decided to leave him alone, going outside the gym in search of something to entertain yourself with.

leaving the poor coach talking to no one but himself. well, he doesn't realized it. ha ha, poor coach ukai.

"— you agree with me, right? |y.n|-chan?" ukai finally opened his eyes, his story telling was cut when he received no answers from the little girl. seeing as the spot where she once was is now gone. he shrieked.

telling the boys to go help him find the missing little lady.

"|y.n|-chan!" they all called.

you stayed on the ground, smiling like an idiot while petting the animal. it shivered in your touch, like, vibrated.

satisfied, you picked it up and laid it on your lap.


you heard someone exclaimed from behind you, only to see the guy who has the blond streak in front. "hey! we've been looking for you, what are you doing?" blinking, you cupped the animal in your stubby hands and showed it to nishinoya.

the next thing you know, he screeched hard and loud as he could.

"NOYA-SAN!!" they saw his pale white figure on the grass, defeated with his soul comically flying above him.

"noya-senpai! wake up!"

"|y.n|-chan where have you been?"

"are you alright |y.n|-chan?"

"what happened?!"

"tsukki, should we help?"

they gathered around you, the others with nishinoya's side as they push his soul back in.

"what happened?" asahi asked, the tall big brother with a man bun. you showed him the beetle and he went stiff.

the beetle was as big as one of your stubby hand, you could've sworn one of them choked in air. sugawara, after tending his lowerclassman's health, looked over to your situation.

he screeched, hurrying in your direction.

"no! |y.n| you shouldn't touch that!"

although it is normal for kids to catch bugs, it shouldn't be normal yo catch such, big bugs.

sugawara tries hos best to shoo off the beetle but instead of succeeding, he may or may not brought hell to themselves.

the beetle flew to their direction instead. of course, with hinata's panicked yell, kageyama's wide eyes expression, tanaka's scream, daichi shuddering and avoiding the beetle along with coach ukai, noya still on the ground, tsukishima and yamaguchi on the sidelines with a poor ennoshita trying to calm the flip everyone down.

and of course, last but not the least.

a laughing child, you.

|y.n|, you little devil.

88 Days // Haikyuu child readerWhere stories live. Discover now