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short chapter━━━━┅━━━┅━━━━"wahh!"

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short chapter

you are in awe at seeing the gigantic theme park! lego land is something your male classmates once talked about and you happen to over heard it. you drag your father to The Big shop™, excitedly pulling him while he tries to slow you down.

"calm down, princess, the park won't go anywhere!" he chuckles, following after you while you point at various objects all around you. the castle designed lego building makes you stare in awestruck eyes.

"daddy! daddy! let's go there!"

you squealed, the red octopus lego build catching your eyes, you approach it, still pointing that made your dad let out a hearty laugh, taking out his phone to take a picture of you while you pose randomly on camera, not bothering what people says around you.

next were the buildings of Himeji castle, you lean lightly, looking at the intricate designs and builds. "that's so cool!!"

hearing another voice that said the same words as you, you look at your side, seeing a blond guy around your big brothers age. the two of you shared a mini staring contest before he blinked.

"ha! i won!!"

"woi! atsumu miya!!!" the two of you look behind, seeing a man with tall man with blank spiky hair jogging towards yours and the blond's direction, "Akagi-san!"

"yo, you ran off too fast, we couldn't keep up."

"i didn't ran off, i was just doing some detours."

"what's a detwur?" you piped in the conversation, looking between the blond and ravenette. ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ ʕ'•ᴥ•'ʔ ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ and this is the type of reaction you have when you looked at them.

"a kid?"

"hey, where's your parent's by the way?" atsumu crouched on your level while akagi put his hand on his knees, leaning down.

"my daddy is with me!"

"yeah, but where?"

you pout, drawing circles on the ground. somehow, you seem to always have the worst g̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ luck amongst all kid because you kept getting lost, somehow, it's mostly your fault for always getting distracted or, your guardians because they should've watched you better. either way, what's done is done.


akagi sighed, standing up to pop, stretch before kneeling down, looking at you. "senpai, what do we do?"

"isn't it obvious?" akagi let out a small puff of pft before looking at you, "we help the kid."

"my name is michinari, he's atsumu, and you're?"

"am |y.n|! I'm two- no, three!"

they watch you struggle with your finger counting before atsumu showed you the three finger, like a girl scout would then you followed it. atsumu gave a cheeky grin, "ya know, i wouldn't mind having ya as my lil sis. it's better than 'samu. heh." to which, akagi gave him a jab on the ribs. "ow!"

"then, |y.n|-chan, let's go find your parents." akagi offer his hand, waiting for you to grab it, when you did, it made him smile.



a/n: wide eyes at the 100k reads flashing at me.. brb imma buy cake to celebrate.

2hrs later...


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ps. i have the sudden urge to kill y/n's mommy 🤧😈😈

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