₍ 📂 84 days

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


"kusokawa you're late!"

iwaizumi stood there with his arms fold and foot tapping on the concrete floor. oikawa merely laughed in response and lift your hand up slightly.

"well this lil' cutie here took my attention."

the ravenette male narrowed his eyes at your curious, blinking eyes with face filled with -so adorable- happiness. iwaizumi pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"and you kidnapped a child."

"no iwa-chan! you got it all wro-"

"whats a kidnap?" you question made the two teen freeze in their conversation while you simply tilt your head up.

the flustered big brother with more matured face- would 100% simp on iwa-chan though, couldn't reply to your question. how the heck would he explain it to a- a two year old looking child?!

instead, iwaizumi nervously grinned and said, "you will get to know it when you're older."

you dropped the conversation with an ok, making both teen relax slightly.

"anyway, like i was saying earlier, i just saw her all alone in the toy store shop."

"i see. so what you're telling me, she's all alone and you want us to help find her parents."

"yeah." iwaizumi sighed.


and then, you were brought into a lot of places. "woah! what's this place called?" you awed, looking around to see ginormous rides all around the park. oikawa adjust you in his arms.

"this is called theme park!"

"woaaahhh! big team park!" you exlained with sparkles all around you. oikawa squealed and nodded, telling you good job and run around the place so that the two of you can enjoy the rides.

iwaizumi sighed, he felt like babysitting two children at once. then it clicked, "i thought we were supposed to search for her pa-" he saw you and oikawa swiveling around in a tea cup ride, you, smiling and laughing, oikawa having the same expression.


iwaizumi's stiff posture relaxed a vit and the corners of his lips tugged up. he shrugged, what's the harm on having a little fun.

you giggle when the ride finishes, oikawa is dizzy as hell making him look funny, iwaizumi picked you up and looked at his friend with.. a nasty expression.

"doesn't he look funny?"

"big brother looks ugly like that!" iwaizumi agreed and the two of you shared a heartfelt laugh, pointing at poor oikawa who tries his hard to recollect his dizzy mind.

"my heart broke!" even when still dizzy, when he heard you say he looks ugly when dizzy, holding his head and looking directly at the middle to concentrate his eyes, he managed to complain.


"ahhhh!!! what do i do?! that lil brat!" your babysitter almost rips her hair off, she should've watched you better. oh now you're giving her a headache.

she took the keys and rushed out of the house calling your name. oh how she didn't want to get scolded.

"im going shopping!!"

she can still hear your voice echo in her head. huffing, your bbaysitter determinedly search for you.

88 Days // Haikyuu child readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें