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you stopped in your tracks once you reached the entrance of the shop, the owner from the counter look over to see a small child.

you stared in awe at the bunch of toys scattered around the shop so neatly. you touched a toy fish and it move its' flippers around making you back away. "scary fish!" you said, the owner, which is an old woman chuckled at you.

sipping her cup of coffee.

after looking around the shop, you approached a small set, the box has small cute dolls in them. you took it from the shelves and approached the granny.

"how much is this obaa-chan?" you asked. the old lady chuckled.

"dear, im sorry, you can't take it, you have no money." she pat your head. "how about a candy instead?" she offered, showing you a jar full of treats.

"yes please." and so, you did.

after taking a piece of (favorite flavor) candy from her small jar, you pointed at the toy in the box on the wooden floor. "can i get the toy now obaa-chan?"

"no im sorr-"

"worry not! i will buy the toy for her obaa-chan." a guy with chocolate brown hair smiled, handing the lady the money. "please keep the change." he smiled charmingly, the old lady chuckled and thanked him.

"is she your sister?" the old lady asked to him, gesturing at you. you and the handsome male shook your heads.

she sips her coffee. "oh well then."

you stared up with sparkles in your eyes at the big brother in front of you, "thank you!!" you hugged the boxed toy and hugged his leg, the farthest you can reach up to him.

"no problem." he smiled and crouch down, patting your head. "im tōru, and you are?"

"|y.n|!" guess momma and pops never told you to not talk to strangers. tsk tsk tsk.

oikawa grinned before it fell, "now where are your guardian?" you know what guardian means, your mom always told you that they are the one who are always by your side and protects you. now where would be your guardian?



"i have no gwardan." you hugged the box tighter and draw on the ground using your feet. adorableness going up to maximum level—

his eyes soften before he held out his hand, "would you like to explore then? maybe we will see your guardian on the way!"

excited at the offer of exploring and searching for your guardian made you smile and took his hand.

"mm! les go!"

you dragged oikawa by the hand and he followed. "actually, this way." he tug you back and pointed at the opposite direction making you 'oh'.

you pulled him to where he was pointing at, "come on big brother!"

yeahh.. i think your mommy and daddy should've remembered to tell you not to talk nor follow any strangers though.

kids, don't do this.

my goodness! ive forgotten about my niece—

88 Days // Haikyuu child readerWhere stories live. Discover now