43. Evans's POV how to fix things

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Exhausted Sam falls asleep during the late afternoon, seeking comfort in my arms while holding on to Jake's hoodie. Perhaps I should steal another one for her, I know it's his scent she is needing. No suck this, I promised her not to tell him where she is, but I never promised not to tell him about the state she is in. I am going to ask him for another hoodie tonight. He needs to know how much she needs him, perhaps it will sooth him a little too.

With her finally fast asleep I leave her behind to head to my next station.


As Jake is eating just as little at the moment, I stop at Jimmy's and pick up Jake's favourite dish, cottage pie and some cheese and onion pasties. He'll be able to choose this way. It also gives me the chance to ask Jimmy to come an hour later today.

"Taking care of the two again?", I nod as response. "How is she? We all miss her here."

Jimmy doesn't know the details only that Sam was nearly killed in a car crash, about her Grams death and a bad break up between her and Jake. Which pleased fucking Brian.

"She's back to college although she can barely walk, eat or even hold a pencil. Not listening to the doctors who told her to rest."

"You mean she is acting the stubborn Sam we all know", he chuckles.

"Yep, you got it. Wouldn't surprise me if she comes to beg for shifts soon", I chuckle. And to be honest I wouldn't put it past her. Once she gets out of the bed with crying, she will probably be hardly able to walk, but wanting to work. The distraction may be good for her mind, on the other hand I know she wouldn't take care of her body. She is reckless with it. Probably one of the reasons she has become such a perfect skater.

That's one thing she is hating at the moment too, not being able to crash her board. I even had to hide it from her, as she tried getting on it with her crutches the first day she left the hospital.

As the pub is nearly empty Jimmy tells me to take the night off and take care of my friends. He's a great boss, when it comes down to Brian too good sometimes.

Reaching Jake's place, I hear loud music from afar. All sad songs from Nickelback, Limp bizkit, 3 doors down and even John Legend he is listening to at the moment. Jake hasn't seen a party ever since Halloween and is drowning in his sorrow day by day.

"Hey, brought you some food from Jimmy's today", I give it a try.

"Thanks, but not hungry." Of course not, as always at the moment, I still place it with a fork right in front of him on the table.

"How is she today?"

"You know, you should be asking her."

"You know I do, every single morning since she is back in classes, but she ignores me", his face drops even more and his hands run across his face.

"She's hurting Jake, she's hurting just as bad as you are. You need to fix this. By the way I need a hoodie from you, best one you have already been wearing."

"You're a freak Evans, want my boxers too?"

At least the real Jake is still in there. Trying to stifle a laugh I reply: "You idiot, it's for her. She cries herself into sleep every single day, while hugging the hoodie she has from you. I guess the scent soothes her."

"She does?" He asks surprised and with an ocean of emotions running through his eyes.

"Yes, so could you please give me one? After having it for nearly four weeks as a cry pillow, I suppose it's fairly worn off."

"She had it in hospital too?", the look on his face tells me, the thought of her clinging on to something from him, is soothing a little. Exactly what I wanted him to feel.

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