Chapter 5

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Third person pov

At the Lockwood mansion, Damon is in the living room with Carol Lockwood. "So I understand John Gilbert has left town. Have they found the vampire that attacked him? She asks. "Well, the sheriff has asked me to take the lead on that and I promise you I will get to the bottom of it." "Which brings me to my next subject. With Richard done, I'll be acting as interim mayor until the elections and I'm going to need someone to spearhead out the council. I'd like that person to be you."

"Whatever you need Carol. As a founding family member it'd something that's very close to me so I would be honored to help keep this town safe from vampires." He says. Mason and Tyler enter the house. Carol closes the door of the living room. "Is it safe to talk?" "It's my brother-in-law, Mason. He's still visiting. I just don't want him to hear us. He didn't want any part of the council when he lived here and I see no reason to bring him into it now." She explains. Damon listens in on their conversation.


Caroline is crying next to Carter's body when Damon arrives. She looks up and he sees the blood all over her face. "He's dead. I killed him. What's wrong with me?" She cries. "Hey, hey it's okay. I can help you." She stands up. "You can?" "Yeah, I have to." "What are you gonna do?" "The only thing I can do. I'm gonna kill you." "Please don't! I don't want to die!" "Yeah, but you're already dead." He walks closer.

"No! I'm not. Don't say that, okay? Just help me!" "Okay." "Okay? Just help me please! Please, please!"

"Okay, okay." He embraces her and is about to kill her with the stake but Stefan arrives and rushes over to stand between them. "Stefan!"

Elena stands next to Caroline, who backs away. "Get away from me! You killed me!" "No, no, no no Caroline! That wasn't me. You know that! That was Katherine." 'No! Then why did she look like you?! And why, why did she do this to me?" "Stefan, we've got to get her inside."

"It's okay Caroline, come with me." Stefan begins to lead her away. "She'll die, it's only a matter of time." "Yeah, maybe so, but it's not gonna happen tonight." Stefan tells him. "Oh yeah it is." He picks up the stake and rushes over to them but Elena puts herself in front of Caroline.

"Damon, she's my friend." Damon hesitates, staring at Elena who refuses to move. He drops his arm. "Whatever happens, it's on you." Bonnie walks over and stares in shock. "Caroline?" "It's okay, come on." Stefan says as he leads her away. Bonnie sees the blood on Caroline's face. "No, you're not, you can't be." She touches her and is horrified by the truth.

"Bonnie?" Caroline asks. Bonnie looks over and sees the body. "Oh god!" "Bonnie Stefan takes Caroline away from the area to the bathroom.


Bonnie shakes her head. "I can't believe this is happening." Damon comes back with a shovel. "Come on, don't pout about it, I've got a body to bury." He looks at Elena. "I thought you were calling the shots, no? it sucks to be you, buddy."

Bonnie looks at him and gives him an aneurism, he takes his head between his hands and falls to the ground. She opens the faucet with her powers and water flies out from the hose. "I told you what would happen if anyone else got hurt." "I didn't do this." "Bonnie, it wasn't his fault." Elena says. "Everything that happens is his fault Elena."

"Bonnie, what are you doing?" She asks. She creates a fire and it moves towards Damon. "Bonnie stop it!" Damon yells as the fire begins to burn his legs. "Bonnie, Bonnie, stop it! You're going to kill him!"

What no, one noticed was that Julianna was watching everything from the start, and when she saw what Bonnie was about to do she stop her powers and flashes in front of her saying, "Well we don't want your powers killing my son now would we darling?" "And who are you?" questions bonnie. "I'm Julianna beautiful, and what about you." Bonnie blushes. "I'm Bonnie." "Oh, come on stop flirting and help me." Damon says.

"Well my beautiful flower I'm sorry for us to have meet in such...circumstances but I do hope we meet again my beautiful flower." Bonnie's heart flutters whenever Julianna say my beautiful flower but she doesn't know why. Bonnie and Elena leaves and Julianna helps Damon up.

"So my son how do you always end up in these situations?" "I don't even know myself mom."

"Well, lets bury this body and go home...ok?" "Alright mom lets hurry up and I can tell you all about what happen today." "Alright baby."


Author's note

Hey guys sorry for such a late update I just wasn't feeling up to it today and I was a little down.

Anyways I hope you that you guys are good today.

Remember if anyone just wants to talk or want me too read your stories just message me privately on Wattpad or in conversations.

Heart Theif (Bonnie Bennet)√Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora