Chapter 4

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Hey this is like a filler chapter for what happened after she came eh, so the chapter is gonna be short.

Third person pov

Damon and Julianna are in the parlor. "So tell me Damon what has been going on with you?" She asks. "Well you know how I promised Stefan an eternity of misery?" "Yeah." "Well when I came back to Mystic Falls guess my surprise when I saw Katherine." "But I wasn't actually her." 

"So when you saw her what did you do?" "Well I compelled her to forget I was ever there, so her basically wouldn't have know me until I let her or If she became a vampire." "Well after all of that the Tomb vampires happened after I still thought that Katherine was still in the Tomb, when in reality she was never in the Tomb.

" your life is like reality TV, so after that what else happened?" "Well after that Isobel came to town saying she Elena mother, and that she wanted the Gilbert device, I didn't want to give it to her but Elena manipulated me into giving her it."

"Oh hell to the no!" "Hey mom cool down I don't really care for that anymore." "Ok, ok I'm cool continue with the story." "Ok so when we went to give Isobel the Gilbert device, she confessed my love for Elena and said that the only reason that I gave it to her was because I was in-love with her."


"Come on mom what are you laughing for?"

"I ain't gonna lie son your life is the definition of reality television."

"Alright anyway after she basically declared my love for Elena she said, as long as you have both Salvatores on your arm you're domed, Katherine was lucky she got out." "Ok, so after that what happened?"

"Well Katherine came back and pretended to be Elena, kissed me, cut off John's fingers (Elena father) and basically just reaked havoc all over." "Well you're really in a pickle."

"Well Damon one of my close friends that I had watching you told that you're having a little werewolf problem, even tho you don't know that Mason is a werewolf." "Wait....Mason is a werewolf!?" "Yeah all of the Lockwoods have the werewolf gene, please....please don't tell me you didn't figure that out yet?"

"He watches me with a awkward smile."

"OMG!, Damon but, you are really stupid sometimes."

"Well anyways I back and here to stay and I ain't leaving you my beautiful boy, never again.'

Damon gets up, walks to his mother, pulls her up and hugs her tight and she hugs him back. "Don't worry baby I'm never leaving your stupid ass again." Damon laughs.

"Well I want you to go and do what ever it is you were gonna do today and I'm gonna just stay here and chill out until you get back, Ok. "Yeah mom that's fine and you're gonna stay here right?" "Yeah of course I'm not leaving my baby." "Hey mom?" "Yeah?" "I love you and I'm really glad you back, Damon says and flashes out the house." "Yeah me too, me too.


Author's Note.

Hey guys I'm sorry I'm some minutes late with the update but I waked up late so sorry for that.

Don't forget to like and comment.

Hope ya'll have a blessed and great day.

Remember you ever wanna just talk or want me too read your stories just message me or text me in the comment section.

I'll tell you guys when my next update will be later on in the day you guys and girls.

Anyways laters.

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