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"series three - episode one - visitors"

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"series three - episode one - visitors"

THERE IS NEVER A QUITE MOMENT IN THE DUMPING GROUND. I will admit that I am quite a heavy sleeper but even that didn't stop me from being awoken by everyone rushing around. We had all gathered around in the kitchen to have breakfast when Mike broke the news to us that some kids from Burnywood were going to stay with us for a bit.

Burnywood. What a pathetic excuse for a care home. I remember a while back when Sapphire, Carmen, Harry and I were all sent to stay at that dump when Lily fell off the roof. Admittedly, i was the least effected by the transfer then the others because i knew how to handle and protect myself. The same can't be said for Carmen who got her stuff nicked within a few days of arriving.

"But why don't you know how long they're going to stay for?" Gus complained to Mike.

"Because we don't know how long they're going to stay for"

Liam kicks his legs up and rests them on mine, "I heard Burnywood was burnt to bits"

"and thank god for that." I add "That place was atrocious"

"I wish Tyler had gone up in flames too" Carmen mumbles. Tyler was the kid who nicked Carmen's things. He was an alright boy in my eyes, he could be quite funny despite his minor kleptomaniac tendencies.

"Carmen!" Tee exclaims.

"Wait till he nicks your stuff then tell me about it"

I groan "Carmen that was like months ago just drop it already"

She rolls her eyes at me "Well if you stuff isn't glued down, he will have it"

This causes everyone but Carmen and I to run to their rooms in order to protect their stuff.

"Dumbasses" I mumble biting into my toast.

"Aren't you going to protect you stuff?"

"If he touches any off my things, i'll rip his hands off" I smirk "And if he remembers me from when we went to Burnywood, he knows i will"


Everyone was hanging out in the living room. Liam, Frank, the new Burnywood kids; Rick and Tyler, and I were all playing pool. Rick takes his shot and looks up at me.

"I remember you" He says blandly.

I bend down to take my shot, "Can't say the same" I reply truthfully not even looking up.

𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 | The Dumping Ground (rick)Where stories live. Discover now