"T-Thank you", she looks away. "I-I will"

Taehyung looks at her for a few seconds, ensuring she is actually holding her cup properly before he turns to the front, taking his own drink into his hand. Both of them sits in silence on the wooden bench, the coolness of the night accompanying them.

As much as she wants to drink the warm milk, she could not bring herself to bring the cup up when the familiar nervousness returns. She pressed her fingers around the warm cup and suddenly reminded how he had put his hands over hers. There is a voice in the back of her head telling her she should not be feeling shocked as if this is the first time he had touched her.

The memory of the night flashed right before her eyes, reminding her that this same man has done more than just touching her hands. In fact, his hands had been everywhere and had done a great deal of things to her. That same hand had, many times that night, been all over her, dug into her soft skin and wrapped around places she might be too embarrassed to even remember.

Oh god, now is not the best time to remember about that, is it?

She licks her dry lips, feeling so awkward and the heavy silence between them. She needs to say something, anything, so that her mind won't trail back to memories of that night.

"You look so restless", he suddenly says. "Are you feeling okay?"

She turns to look at him, heart skipping another beat when their eyes suddenly met. "R-Restless?"

"Are you feeling alright?"

His voice was so soft, too endearingly soft it made her wonder if it can get any softer than that. His sparkly eyes bore into hers, making her inside feels fuzzy with a strange warmness. She wants to look away but at the same time, she wants to relish the comfort that beams out of his gentle gaze. She needed the comfort, there is no denial to that. And she is glad he is the one to offer it to her at that moment.

"Mister Kim"

"Yes...?", he nods slowly, eyes locked on her.

"W-Why is it...Why is that every time I am in a mess or whenever something is happening to me...you happened to be near me...?", her question sounded like it was directed more to herself than to him.

He looks surprised at the question but then a small smile curves at the corner of his lips. He looks to the front, taking one slow breathe before he looks at her again.

"Maybe it is fate", his tone was light. "We kept accidentally crossing paths, don't we?"

Just like the first time we met, he thought to himself.

"I am really getting very confused because.... you're always there. I mean, here", her words starting to confuse her. "I mean, you know what I mean"

"I do"

"I do"

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