Chapter 30: Incognito

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" Calvin's smile slowly faded.

"Aren't we a bit lax here? This might be a trap."

"What? I don't think so."

"Why would they help us from the get go?"

"Because we were stranded? And we need help? We could escape anytime we want, okay? What's wrong with you? Between us you're the idealistic one. Relax a little bit. "

Lazzi scratched the back of his head. "Relax a little bit? Just a week ago, you were so worried about Ortus. Now—"

"Now, we have changed the future. Don't you think we need a little break?"

"Break? From what?"

"Hey boys? Aren't you coming?" Aling Apring asked.

"We are!" Calvin shouted then looked back at Lazzi. "We got this Laz. We're safe."

"Wait..." Lazzi placed his hand on Calvin's hips but Calvin quickly pushed it away once again. "Hey, are we okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"What?" Calvin replied.

"You just moved my hand away. It's like you don't want me to touch you, anymore?"

"'s just that people are gonna look. On this planet, people only accept us when we're the butt of the joke. Or they'll only accept this kind of love if it is written in romantic stories as if it is just a fairy tale. They only see us as a fucking entertainment. But the moment they hear the real people fight for it, see the real people showing this kind of love and fight for equal rights, they are immediately disgusted."

"I see." Lazzi frowned as if a child told that he could not play. "Yeah no, I forgot about that."

"Wait." Calvin tilted his head. "So does that mean in the future..."

"Yeah. What we have is normal and nothing to be ashamed of. People moved past that ancient belief."

Calvin's face suddenly lit up. "Huh, wow."

"Don't you believe it?"

"It's just so crazy. I wish I could be in that kind of future."

Lazzi coyly smiled. "Don't worry, I'll make sure we'll have that kind of future."

"I can't wait. But for now, this'll have to do." Cal kissed his fist and gently punched Lazzi's chest. "Why don't we go to Aling Apring's home, okay? Let's go eat." Before Lazzi could answer, Calvin had walked away and followed Aling Apring. He looked around the place, still worried that Ortus might be silently lurking around the place ready to attack them.

Aling Apring's house was a small one but Lazzi noticed that it was bigger than the nearby houses. It has unpainted concrete walls and wooden ceilings. Aling Apring gave the two canned sardines in tomato sauce and rice. She kept apologizing that that's the only thing she could offer but Lazzi and Calvin were delighted at the taste of tomato, something they missed for months.

"So where you from?"

Lazzi looked up. It was Aling Apring's daughter, Rita, who asked, obviously swooning for him. She's beautiful with caramel brown skin and long curly hair. But of course, Lazzi was not at all interested. He almost didn't hear her because of the noise from the radio that Aling Apring was tuning.

Lazzi flicked his eyes to Calvin who was busily gorging on his food. "Um, I'm from..."

"Italy." Calvin blurted. Lazzi smiled as he noticed a piece of rice was on Calvin's cheeks.

"Oh, mamma mia, pizzeria!"

"Wait shhh."

"....and now, the countries are more divided with the terms of Ortus, the mastermind of the unexpected terrorist group composed mostly of young adults..." Calvin and Lazzi looked at each other. "US, for one is threatening to launch an imminent attack if Ortus's hostages, the world's most influential people around the world, are not released immediately. On the other hand, countries like Iceland, Switzerland, and Japan are agreeing to Ortus's term to find the two men whose faces are flashed on the screen. Those who can pinpoint their location will be rewarded with...." The radio lost a bit of signal.

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