The Trouble Starts

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"What do you mean you won't be attending Shikon anymore!?" Inuyasha yelled gripping Kagome's shoulders. Kagome sniffed and hugged Inuyasha.
"What do you mean your scholarship was taken away!?" They all screamed. Inuyasha took Kagome back to the dorm along with everyone else.
Kagome sniffed but still didn't look at them. "Kaede told me that she saw that my grades are horrible" she said with her head down.
"Well since you started all of this stuff maybe you neglected your studies" Sesshomaru said in his emotionless tone. "that can't be possible" Rin said holding his arm.
"It's not because I've seen Kagome work harder any chance she has after she started everything" Inuyasha said crossing his arms.
"Kagome is the smartest out of all of us, there's no way she has low grades" Kikyo said sitting down next to her. "Maybe it's those girls from Kenna?" Ayame suggested but Rin shook her head "they don't much about Kagome and by how a Inuyasha was able to discover them easily they probably won't do that again"
"We'll figure that out later cause we have to practice hard tomorrow, right Kagome that'll get you mind off of things" Sango said sitting on the other side of her.
Kagome shook her head "without my scholarship at have to work really hard and with my grades really low coach doesn't want me even practicing until I can pock them up"
Sango jumped to her feet while Rin and Ayame ran next to her.
"I can't play, I can't practice, and so have to work hard to see if I can get another scholars" Kagome said getting up and walked to her room "I'm going to be bed I have to wake up early tomorrow"
After she closed the door Inuyasha looked at them "what are we going to do?" He said. They all shrugged there shoulders.
"Rin you can try to see if they had a hacker in the system while Kagome is busy with work" Sesshomaru said making everyone look at him in surprise "that's a good idea Fluffy, I'll get right on that first thing tomorrow morning since my first class is at 9:00" Rin said with a determined looking in her eyes "I'll find out who did this to Kagome"
"And when you do me, Ayame, and Inuyasha will make sure they suffer" Sango said hitting her hand with her fist.
Rin ran to Inuyasha's dorm and barged in "Inuyasha is Kagome here?" She asked. He shook his head "no she left saying she was going to check with the coach one last time"
"Good" Rin said walking over to him "whoever this hacker was wasn't being carful enough, I could see traces of his/her doing" she said "someone was definitely messing with Kag's grades" before she could say anything else Kagome walked in.
"Hey Kagome how'd it go with your teachers and the coach" Inuyasha said with worry in his eyes. Kagome shook her head "I tried doing everything I could but my grades are still to low and the coach refuses to even left me be close to the field" she said as she placed her head on his chest. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her small frame and looked at Rin. She nodded then walked out the door. She knew what he wanted. He wanted her to find a way to restore Kagome's grades so that she could still be here with him.
(Sorry it's so short, we lost our game yesterday and so we have another game today and if we win this one we play tomorrow on a Saturday 😓)

Inuyasha and Kagome Shikon UniversityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang