A party?

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Inuyasha couldn't take it anymore! It had been 2 days and Kagome hasn't talked to him or come out of the room.

Something about those players last time didn't seem right. So he had Jakostu look into it and find out what was going on.

That's it!

Inuyasha got up from the couch and knocked on the door

"Hey Kagome? C'Mon you can't stay in there forever" he said

Then the door opened and he saw Kagome in a terrible state. blood shot eyes, major messed up bed head, and she was still in her PJs.

I need to cheer her up somehow

" Come on Kagome you still have a few more games right?"

"Wrong" was all she said before closing the door.


"Wait so you're done!?" Inuyasha said. They were outside with Sango and Miroku sitting on one of the lunch tables.

"We're done for the season" Sango said "it was our last game since they beat us"

"Then why is Kagome taking it so hard?" Miroku asked

"Kagome practiced harder then any of us, so of course she was the one who's shocked the most" Sango said putting her head down "she feels like she failed us all"

"But that's not true she just played the game and all" Miroku said

"Still there was something off about those players" Inuyasha said "there's no way someone would have won that much without loses at this point of the season"

"Yeah but right now I just want to make Kagome happy" Sango said

Then someone slammed a paper into the table making them jump, They looked up to see Ayame.

"This is we make her happy again" was all she said before crossing her (already healed) arm.

They looked at the paper which was a flier. It said:

Great job party for the softball girls

"Rin came up with the idea" Ayame said "what better way then to celibate our hard work then a party"

"That's a great idea" Sango said "Inuyasha you go and tell Kagome to get ready while we got put everything up" Inuyasha nodded.



"Aw come on Kagome you need to get all that quilt out of you and have some fun with your team mates"

Kagome looked at him. "fine but you invite your boys if we do, do the party"

"Fine but start getting ready cause it'a at a club"


"Can't have in here, too crowded"



"Where are they?" Sango said angered

"Be patient Sango they're probably on they're way" Miroku said

"Look there she is" Rin said pointing to Inuyasha holding on Kagome's hand dragging her.

"Kagome is extra stubborn today" Inuyasha said once he got to them "but thankfully I got her not to cry so her make up doesn't run"

"Nice thing to do for a half breed"

"Watch it Koga" Inuyasha growled, then Koga took him away from the others with his arm around his neck "and what are you going to do about your midnight problems?"

Inuyasha and Kagome Shikon UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now