New Arivals

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(Hey everybody! Sorry if I'm taking long but I just got my braces on the 27, so the pain is new for me. Anyway here it is)
Kagome and everyone else got to Inuyasha dorm, and Sesshomaru and Kikyo came by once their classes were done.
"What the hell was that?" Inuyasha said crossing his arms "look I just got an idea of what to do, when I heard that, that place only does what their family wants them to do" Kagome said.
Everyone was sitting on Inuyasha couch. "I hate that every kid doesn't get to do what they love" then she looked at Sessomaru who was standing next to Rin "what about him, what does he want to do?"
"Kagome he needs to do what dad tells him to do, what is dad's company suppose to do when he's not there?" Inuyasha said "Sesshomaru actually wants to open his own dojo" Rin said. Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru then back to Kagome "so what is your plan?"
Kagome smiled "we show them what Shikon is about" They all looked at her as if she's crazy "if we show what Shikon can do for them then they will come here"
"Okay" Sango said "but what kind of stuff?"
"Theirs plenty of stuff that this University does" Ayame said getting up next to Kagome "she's right if we show what we can do then they will come back" "you see" Kagome said.
Everyone thought it over for a bit. Then Kikyo went next to Kagome "you'll bet I'll help out! Anything to get out of that University!" After she said that they all nodded.
After discussing what they could do, they all went to their domes. Inuyasha looked over at Kagome. "you really think it will work?" Kagome looked over at him and saw that he had sadness and regret in his eyes "Inuyasha it's their fault, not yours" Kagome said "They made you do it, I know you would never do it on purpose"
Just after Kagome said that, someone banged on the door "hey half-breed open up!"
Inuyasha tensed up. It was those guys. "Kagome go back to the room" Inuyasha said
Kagome shook her head and got up "no way!" she said "they made you do this and I want to talk to them too!" Kagome walked over and opened the door.
Bankostu pushed her away as he and his goons walked in. Inuyasha catch her. "yo half-breed, we heard you went to the other university" he said as they sat on their couch "you know what our deal was half-breed" Bankostu said as Muso grabbed Kagome with his arm around her neck "why do you pick on only him, there are plenty of other weak demons" Kagome said
"Yes but he's the only half-breed at this Univeraity" Bankostu said crossing his arms. Kagome's eyes widened then she smirked "so if there were any other hanyous then you'd stop bullying Inuyasha?"
Bankostu laughed "like that's possible, as far as we know this one is the only hlaf-breed"
"Stop calling him that, but if there was then will you stop?" Kagome said
"Yeah sure what ever, let's go guys" Bankostu and the others left and Muso let go of her.
"Kagome you're nuts! I'm the only half-breed here!"
"I told you to stop calling yourself that! and just wait for tomorrow" Kagome said walking and closing the door leaving Inuyasha dumb founded.
The next day Inuyasha and the others were outside at the lunch tables, then Bankostu and his goons came by.
"What are you guys doing here?" asked Jakotsu "the half-breed's light girlfriend told us to meet here" Bankostu said. Inuyasha and all the other youkai growled at them while the humans glared at them.
"And this is the reason why I called all of you here" everyone turned to look at Kagome, who has 6 kids behind her.
"This is Ai" the little girl has blue eyes, purple hair tied with pearls and blue fin-like ears. She waved at them.
"This is Moegi" this girl had a blank expiration. She had olive green hair that is in two ponytails laying on both her shoulders, tied with tan orange bands. her eyes were green and she had pale skin. Above her bangs, which stop above her eyebrows, have small horns. She just smiled at them.
"This guy is Shion" this boy had purple hair and what appeared to be goat-like ears. He had orange-brown eyes that greatly contrasted against his dark skin. He just hid behind Kagome.
"This girl is Asagi" the girl had blue hair in a ponytail with golden eyes, peachy skin and elvin-like ears like Inuyasha's brother. She smiled at them.
"And these two are Roku and Dai" the twins were tanned with orange eyes and pointed ears. Roku had green on top with little orange on the bottom. Dai has orange on top with little green on the bottom. They just waved at them.
"Ha and what are trying to prove?" Bankostu asked. Kagome put her hands on her hips "for your information, they are smarter than they look, they are going to be enrolled in Shikon University!"
"That's right, you can't pick on Inuyasha anymore" Kagome said with a smirk on her face. "and why's that?" asked Muso
"Because we're hanyous too" said Ai making everyone gasp. Bankostu stayed silent, not knowing what to say. "bye Bankostu" Kagome said "and remember, keep your word" Kagome said as he walked off. Inuyasha came up to her "how'd you find them?" he asked. Inuyasha always thought he was only hanyou in the world.
"Oh their old friends of mine" Kagome said. "is it true?" Inuyasha asked "about them coming to this school?"
"Totally, they just got in university, they couldn't find the right one"
"Thanks to Kagome, we get to be here for University, and we promise to try our best to help out with the problem too" Asagi said as they walked off "see ya later Kagome!"
Kagome and the others waved "so they know and they still want to be here?" Miroku asked "of course they do, once I told them about the trouble Shikon was having, they started packing" Kagome said then looked at Inuyasha "now you don't have to worry about midnight she whispered.
Inuyasha smiled at her. She truly was making everything better right now.
(Again i'm sorry I'm taking long but my teeth hurt and I was backed up on homework 😅. So comment and tell me if you liked it, till next time! 😏)

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