The game

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(Hi sorry I took so long, school started last week. Anyway here it is)

Kagome was getting ready in her room. She still remembered that day he asked her out which was about 3 days ago on Tuesday.

"wait what?" Kagome asked confused that Inuyasha was asking her out
"will you go to dinner with me?" Inuyasha had small blush on his cheeks and this was sort of familiar even though he never asked her out before.
"you're asking me out?"
"that's what it sounds like"
Kagome now had an apple colored blush. Well he was hot (who thinks he's not hot?).
"that would be great Inuyasha" you could see his lips turn into a smile "but" then it was gone. That word. It was so familiar, yet that was the first time he heard it from her. What was wrong? Did she have someone he didn't know of?
"don't you have a game on Friday and need to practice?"
Then it came to him. He would have hit himself if Kagome weren't there. He had a game on Friday! He did have to practice! If they didn't win this game then they are done for! No more playing basketball till next year.
"and I have a game on Saturday"
And that killed him. He was about to ask, but like she said she plays softball so her game is probably longer.
End of flashback

After a few talking they agreed to go to each others games. So now Kagome was getting ready in her room.

She had her hair in a high pony tail. Basketball earrings. Sango made her a shirt that is going to make her blush once she got out the door. It was red (Inuyasha's color) with Inuyasha on it and on the back it has his shirt number on top and a basketball under it (for the record I do not any of this clothes! I make them up, I have no idea if they exist). Black skinny jeans and orange converse.

"Kagome hurry up! We're going to be late!" Sango yelled outside her door while banging on it.

She opened the door and saw that Sango had the same she did, only Sango's shirt was a purple/bluesh color and said Miroku with his number on the back. Her is your poster and this is mine. Kagome looked at the poster that Sango made while she was changing.
Go Inuyasha!
#1 Rules! <3

Kagome eyed Sango. Her poster had

Roku Rules


"really?" Kagome asked. And who could blame her, the poster looked like she was in love with him... well she was in love with him, but it made her look like a crazed fan!

"What it was either this or I love you Inuyasha, now which do you prefer, cause I have the other one out here if-"

"It's fine, it's fine!" Kagome said rubbing her forehead "let's just go"

Inuyasha had left a few hours before to warm up, stretch, and practice a bit. So the girl had to walk by themselves to the gym. Of course Kagome and Sango used to stretch in there so they knew where it was.

When they got there the boys were lining up to be called on. Inuyasha quickly found them, told Miroku, and they walked over to them.

"hey glad you two could make it" Miroku said

"well,why wouldn't we?" Sango said with a smile

"you hate us" Inuyasha murmured earning a punch on the arm by Kagome, "we do not"

Inuyasha had to admit to himself, he was thinking she wouldn't show up.

"Houshi! Takahashi! Get your asses over here!" Yelled the couch

Inuyasha and Kagome Shikon UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now