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Kagome and Sango went to their Dino bone class. Kagomr had on black skinny jeans, red knee high converse, a aqua shirt and a green hoodie jacket zipped all the way up. 

"Sango this is your great plan, to wear a hooded jacket?" Asked Kagome outside their class. "Kagome calm down what do you expect me to do, turn off the lights so you can run out of the classroom? Said Sango " they'll see you Kagome" 

Kagome sighed. She was right they would be able to see her. Oh when she gets her hand on that hanyou, how he was going to suffer. 

"your best choice is to put on that hood before they turn off the lights" Sango said "but we're suppose to pay attention, cause we are suppose to make our own video on our favorite Dino" Kagome said "don't worry about that Kagome your great at Dino researches your getting an A+ for sure even if you don't watch it" Sango said 

Suddenly she screamed,turned around and slap the one person that was "brave" enough to grope THE Sango Tijya, Miroku Houshi. "pervert Miroku can't you keep your hands off me for a day" yelled Sango "but my dear Sango you are so beautiful that I can't keep myself from you" he said with a perverted smirk. He then turned to Kagome. "I apologies for my friends prank, I didn't know he you would do that, especially on the second cemester of university" he said. Kagome just glared, she didn't want an apology from HIM, she wanted it straight from the hanyou's mouth. The nerv of Tekkahashi having his friend apologies for HIM! 

"if your apologizing for Inuyasha then forget it, I want it from him nit from his perverted friend" Kagome said. Just then someone smacked Miroku on the back of the head. 

"and who said I wanted you to apologies for me?" Said Inuyasha coming up behind him "in fact who said I was going to apologies to this wench anyway" he pointed to Kagome. "you've gone way too far Inuyasha" Sango said. Inuyasha just 'Keh'd and turned to Miroku. 

"go to your monk class Miroku before they think your skipping classed and lecher you how your not in high school anymore" once he finished the sentence Miroku ran to his class which started in 10 min and his class was on the other side of the university. 

When he turned to insult Higurashi, she was inside the class in her seat in front of him. Inuyasha chuckled, todays class was going to be fun. 

Once Inuyasha's basketball buddies and Kagome's softball girls showed up, along with other sudents, the professor came in, Mr. Myoga. 

"alright settle down everyone today we will see a video on serten Dinosaurs and you will choose witch you want to do your report on" he saw everyone nod and turned to Sango, "Ms. Tijya would you please turn of the lights?" 

Sango nodded and got up to turn off the lights, nit missing the smirks and chuckles from the back seat. When she got there, she nodded to Kagome and counted to three so her best friend would put the hoodie right whsn she turned off the lights. 

While the video was playing, Inuyasha was paying attention until he found the dinosaur hr was going to do the project on, Spinadaurs. He wrote it down so he wouldn't forget it then looked down at Kagome. 'damn bitch just you wait once you write down which your going to do, I will bust you' He thought. Hey he's not THAT mean. 

After what seamed like hours, Kagome finally found which she was going to do,Argentinasaurs(yes these are real dinos). Inuyasha smirked and rased his hand. 

"so your doing Predator X?" whisperr Kagome to Sango, "ya which are you doing?" Sango whispered back "Argentinasaurs" 

"oh that is a good one" 

"Ms. Higurashi I expected better of you" they heard Mr. Myoga say. They looked up to see that he had paused the video and that he was looking at Kagome. "you know the rule Ms. Higurashi, no hoodie in class, now take it off" he ordered "but-" 

"off Ms. Higurashi" 

Kagome sighed and took off the hoodie. She herd the class, and Mr. Myoga gasp and the boys in the back row laughing. 

"this has gone far enough!" Yelled head mistress, Kaede. Inuyasha and Kagome were in her office getting lecherd. 

"it's his fault I had nothing to do with it" Kagome said pointing to Inuyasha, "the hell you had nothing to do with it, you died my hair!" 

"you stole my uniform" 

"you told the university I was really a cat demon" 

"you told a rumer that I was the weakest priestess" 

"you said that I slept with other people!" They both yelled. 

"ENOUGH!" Said Kiede "I see that both of you can't get along even in my presents" Inuyasha and Kagome both huffed and turned away from each other "so I will give you both a punishment for the rest of the year UNTIL you two get along". 

"WHAT!" They yelled 

"Kiede can't you just make us clean the school or something" Inuyasha said "or make thing for the teachers next meating" Kagome said. Kiede got up from her chair and walked to her door. "you two will share a dorm together" she said. Inuyasha and Kagome's eyes widened "WHAT?" 

"and since Ms. Higurashi doesn't have one, and you don't have a dorm partner Inuyasha, then you both will sure his dorm" she explained. "what Kiede you can't be serious I have too take care of-" 

"nothing!"yelled Kiede looking at her now "you have nothing to do but study, Kagome. Maybe Inuyasha will teach something about how to let go once in a while" Inuyadha 'Keh'd "there's no teaching this wench when it comes to having fun" he said "she only knows studying and research" "shut up Tekahashi, you know know about me, so don't act like you do" 

"this is why I will put you 2 in the same room, if it works then you two might become friends" 

"but Kiede I-" 

"you do it or you will loose your scholarship!" 

Inuyasha and Kagome's eyes went wide. "woah hang on this a little bit too far don't you think" "you too Inuasha!" 


"this university is the #1 university in Tokyo, and I'm not about to let both of you ruin this university" Kiede said pointing at them "you are excuse out of class so you can go to her home, Inuyasha, so you can get your stuff, Kagome, that way you can move in today" 

They both came out of her office and trudged out of the university to Inuyasha's Dugati. "your crazy if you think I'm riding in a motorcycle" Kagome said to Inuyasha who was handing her a black flamed helmet. "come Higurashi, your not scared are you" he said putting on his red flamed helmet. Kagome looked unsure for a moment then let out a sigh and got on, put on the helmet, and grabbed him from behind. But Inuyasha didn't miss that sad look she had before she got on, like if she was ready to die or something. Having the helmet on help him to look at her without her knowing, he actually thought that she was cute before they met, but once they met they started fighting for who knows what and now here they are in university fighting like if they were still in high school. But now they had to share a dorm because they can't get along, well this was going to be a long year.

Inuyasha and Kagome Shikon UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now