Inuyasha and Kagome Shikon University

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A raven haired girl and a brunette were sound asleep.

A door suddenly opened and a dark figure with silver hair and golden eyes walked over to the raven haired girl with a glow stick over her head.

There were people running around outside, throwing things around, and popping those little streamers bottle.

Suddenly there was a scream coming from one of the dorms. A door opened and out came the raven haired girl fuming mad that they thought that smoke was going to come out from the top of her head.

"very funny Tekkahashi!" She said as a boy with silver hair, golden eyes, and puppy ears ontop of his head stoped next to her with a smirk. "You look great Higurashi" he said trying not to laugh. "I don't know what you did, but I can tell you this: if your going to prank someone the least you could do is make it clever" the girl said crossing her arms.

Inuyasha flicked off the lights in the whole hall turned black except for a green light illuminating the hall.

All the students laughed and the girl screamed. "Kagome!" Yelled the brunette yelled.

"that's payback for making my hair red for a month!" Laughed Inuyasha. "Fuck you Tekkahashi, I'll get you back bad!" Screamed Kagome "you'll regret ever meeting Kagome Higurashi"

"I already do wish I never meet you"

Kagome and the girl went inside and Kagome sat on the bed with her head in her hands. "Sango what am I going to do?What if mom sees me like this? She going to think that I got drunk" she said "Kagome calm down" said Sango "I don't know what you should do but you gatta think something cause tomorrow we have to watch a few videos" Kagome gasped "they're going to turn off the lights!" "hang on i think I know what to do" Sango said with a smile.

Inuyasha and Kagome Shikon UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now