An Idea

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(Plz the reading #s are going down)

Rin called Sesshomaru and he said she could go and since she can't keep a secret for long, she told him if the others could go. Amazingly he said yes.

So right now they were in front of the gate in the outside lunch tables, looking for Sessomaru. Inuyasha and Kagome could feel him getting closer, but before they saw him Rin ran at him and when he did show up, she hugged him.

"Well that's a first I see him smile" Inuyasha said walking over to them. Kagome, Inuyasha, Ayame, Sango, Koga, and Miroku were the ones who went along with them.

"so Why is Sesshomaru in this university and you in the other?" asked Koga. They were all sitting in a table and Kagome was just looking around "because our old man wanted Sesshomaru to take over the family business" Inuyasha said and Kagome turned to look at them.

"That's what this school is for" said a female voice behind her. Kagome turned around and saw her old friend Kikyo. "Kikyo! what are you doing here?" Kagome asked "in this school, everyone's parents decide what they want their children to be when they graduate" Kikyo said looking around. Then Ayame realized something, "hey why is everybody divided?" she asked

"What do you mean?" Asked Kikyo "I mean why is nobody sitting with who ever they want?"

"Oh that's because, here, no one trust anybody who isn't like them. That's just the way their parents taught them" Kikyo said sitting down next to Kagome. "why are you guys here?" she asked. Inuyasha and the others told her and Sesshomaru about how they were going to close the school if they didn't try to get more students. They left the part about Inuyasha being the cause of it because they didn't know. Kagome just kept looking around.

This place us divided, and their parents choose what they want their children to do Kagome looked at Inuyasha and Sesshomaru even their father chose favorites and put the oldest here then she looked at Kikyo I knew Kikyo's mom liked technology but Kikyo hates it, she wants to be a designer

Just then, Kagome heard Inuyasha tap his claw on the table.

Tap tap-tap

Tap tap-tap

Tap tap-tap

That's it! Kagome thought of a little rhythm her dad used to play for her and Souta. She's been thinking of the lyrics for almost a year, but for some reason words were coming to her no prob.

Kagome whispered something to Kikyo, Rin, Sango and Ayame. They nodded and grabbed something. Kagome called Kagura and it didn't take long for her to get there. All except Kikyo and Kagome.

(Okay I know you guys may not like this movie, or show or whatever, but to me the songs are catchy! So if you don't like it then don't read the lyrics)

Ayame grabbed one of the food trays and banged it on the table making a rhythm.

Bang bang-bang

Bang bang-bang

Then Kikyo started stomping her feet one the floor

Stomp stomp-stomp

Stomp *clap* stomp-stomp *clap*

Then Rin got two glass cups and banged them gently but loud enough for everyone to hear

Bang *clap* bang-bang *clap*

Bang *clap* bang-bang *clap*

Then Sango slammed the table with her hands then clapped

Slam *clap* slam-slam *clap*

Slam *clap* slam-slam *clap*

And it went like that for about 5 more times. All the tables were looking at them now, giving them 'what the hell are they doing?' looks. Even the boys looked at them like that.

The girls got up on the table stomping their feet and clapping their hands.

[Rin, Sango, Kikyo, Ayame, and Kagura]

Hey! Hey! Everybody! We've got something to say.

We may seem as different, as the night is from day.

But if you look a little deeper, and you will see:

That I'm just like you and you're just like me. Yeah!

The girls jumped on separate tables

Hey! Hey! Everybody! We're here to shout,

That the magic of friendship is what it's all about.

Yeah, we thought we were different,

As the night is from the day.

Until Shikon U. helped us see another way.

So get up, get down. If you're gonna come around.

We can work together, helping Shikon win the round

So get up, get down. Cause it's gonna make a sound.

If we work together, helping Shikon U win the round!

Rin jumped from table to table


Hey! Hey! Hands up now!

We're sending a message to the crowd!

Hands wave up, then come down.

We party together all around!












Shikon helped us each to see.


All that we can be. So

[Rin, Sango, Kikyo, Ayame, and Kagura]

Get up, get down. If you're gonna come around.

We can work together, helping Shikon win the round

So get up, get down. Cause it's gonna make a sound.

If we work together, helping Shikon University win the round


We're gonna be ourselfs, no matter what we do, and

If we're different, yeah, we want you to be true to you.

If you follow us, we'll put our differences aside.

We'll stick together, and start working on that school pride!

[All the girls (2x)]

Jump up, make a sound. Hey! Stomp your shoes, turn around.

Start now, make a change. Gonna come around.

Jump up, make a sound. Hey! Stomp your shoes, turn around.

help us win the round.

Jump up, make a sound. Hey! Stomp your shoes, turn around.

Start now, make a change. Gonna come around.

The entire school clapped. They might be enemies but they were good singers. From right there Kagome got an idea.

Inuyasha and Kagome Shikon UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now