Wait.. What!?

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Kagome opened her eyes only to close them again from the blinding light coming from the opened window. She groaned and got up to go outside. Then everything from last night came back to her.

She ran to the door, forgetting that moving too fast will cause her dizzieness. As she opened the door, she took one step, and a whole create load of dizzieness came to her and she wobbled foward. She prepaired for the pain, until she felt a strong arm around her waist and stop her fall.

Kagome looked up to see Inuyasha smirking.

"you know you shouldn't be moving that much" he said as he carried her to the couch infront of the plasma screen TV. She looked at him closely and saw that he had bruises, and cuts everywhere.

"Inuyasha!" She gasped as grabbed his face.

Inuyasha was a little shocked by what she did, but got over it. As he saw into her eyes, he saw worry.

Kagome let him go and went for a first aid kit in her room(always prepared).

"OWW! Hey!" Yelled Inuyasha as she pushed him down onto the couch she was just sitting on, and put some of the disinfecting spray on all his cuts.

"it's suppose to sting Inuyasha" she said "have you ever put this on"

Inuyasha just looked away from her.

"My wounds heal faster then any human's" was all he said

"they still need to be disinfected" Kagome said

She kept putting the disinfects spray and wiped it so it could spread over the whole cut. She kept looking back and fourth from his eyes to his cut.

'such beautiful eyes, he still looks a cute as he did when we were young'

Inuyasha just kept looking at her eyes in astonishment. Those big chocolate brown eyes used to look at him with anger and hate. Now all he sees is worry and.... He couldn't read the other feeling.

'I don't know what that stupid argument was about when we were kids, but all I know now is that I regret it'

The bitter hate he had for this beautiful girl was gone. With the things she said last night, how could his care for her not come back?

Inuyasha just closed his eyes and mentally smirked.

'I fell for her all over again'

That's right he remembered. He remembered why he fell for all those years ago. People always say that Kagome was the nicest person they ever met and that she didn't care what you were.

There was a knock on the door right when Kagome finished. She walked up to the door and saw that it was Sango.

"hi Sango"

"dude why is face jacked up?"

Inuyasha looked up from the couch to the door and saw that her checks were bruised.

'damn that Bonkostu'

"oh uh I guess I slapped myself in my sleep?"

"okay? Anyway here are your bags you left without a word"

"yeah sorry about that"

"hey Kagome" they both looked at Inuyasha who was behind Kagome. "why don't you go with Sango for a bit, I need talk with Miroku okay?"

"oh shit what the hell happened?" Sango said

"she hit me"

"shut up" Kagome said playfully punching his shoulder, knowing about his injuries.

Inuyasha walked away, knowing Kagome had the key to lock the dorm.

Kagome and Sango were walking the university grounds.

"you have really buddy buddy back there, what gives?" Asked Sango

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Kagome said playing innocent

"no no no don't play dumb Kagome, your.falling for him again aren't you?"

Ah yes, Kagome had a crush on Inuyasha back then. And yes it's true she's fallen for him. Last night's events made her want to protect him and for some reason be with him. Kagome looked up at the windows where you can the stairs, and saw.Inuyasha waving at her. Of course she waved back and went to go meet with him.

"wait wait what" Miroku said.

Him and Inuyasha were on the second floor stairs with Inuyasha looking down the window at Kagome.

"you heard me Miroku, I'm not saying it again"

"so let me get this straight, you fell for the girl who you used to hate?" He asked, but his question was answered when he saw how Inuyasha was starring out. Leaning on the window, a hand on his check, and a far away look in his eye.

"well finally"Miroku said putting an arm around his neck.

"dude I can see this stuff and trust me when I say, she still likes you"


"she's liked you all those years ago man, and now both your loves are resurfacing"

"okay you have been watch to much Tamaki from ouran high school"

"just ask her out"


"ask her out, take her out to dinner, then a little walk, i bet she'll say yes"

Inuyasha looked out the window towards Kagome and thought about it.

"wait what?"

"will you go to dinner with me?"

(did you guys like it?)

Inuyasha and Kagome Shikon UniversityOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant