Heaven is what individual expect, everything bears the color of pure white. Along with the color of white is accompany by the colors of gold or light blue. Walking along the white marbled floors is one angel with long gold hair tied into a French braid. He wore a white buttoned shirt and light blue dress pants with white shoes. His halo float above his head. In his hands is a freshly cut white lily. 

At the end of the long and grand hallway is two angels holding their own holy spears. Guards for the person behind the golden door. The guards stood straight when their eyes lands on the blue eyed angel. "How is she?" The angel asks. The male angel of the left spoke up, "She has not eaten anything again nor even look at us, Sir Gabriel!" Gabriel held a small frown from this piece of information. 

"I see, let me through." By the orders of Gabriel, the angels open the doors for him to enter. This prison is actually a bedroom. A full sized bed with light blue sheets on the west side of the wall. A wall mirror hung across from room with the golden door that leads to the bathroom. A golden wooden wardrobe for clothing stood ten steps from the bed's right side. Long windows display the sunny day of Heaven and bringing light to the room. 

Gabriel's eyes lands on the untouched golden tray of her breakfast on the wooden table next to the door. His eyes moves to the prisoner of this room with her back to him. Sitting on one of the cushion golden chairs is Belial. 

Her white hair rests on her shoulders. Stripped away from her dress, Belial wore a plain white formless dress with white sleeves. The dress only reach three inches past her knees. Around Belial's limbs are golden bracelets around her wrists and ankles. In reality, they are her prison cuffs that suppress her powers - reducing her to a strength of a weak human. 

"You haven't eaten again, sister." 

Gabriel is met with the same as before - dead silence. He never thought his sister would be reduce to this. The Belial he remember can be quite talkative - always having a grin on her face. This made Gabriel sigh. He wouldn't blame her as she was torn away from Lucifer and the others in Hell. From the words of Michael, she had made that place her home. Gabriel decides to summon a glass vase with water for the lily he brought for her. 

Placing the vase and lily on the table beside the tray of cold food, Gabriel spoke up again. "...Father will be visiting you soon." This made Belial lifts her head slightly. "Why he would be visiting me...?" Her hoarse voice echoes throughout the room. "The worthless daughter." She spoke with poison in her words. This made Gabriel's eyes widen. 


"Tell the old man to not waste his time." She lifts her head to look up at the ceiling, "Just leave me." Gabriel press his lips together to a thin line. His eyes carry pain to see Belial like this. "As you wish...I'll visit again tomorrow." He gives her a quiet farewell to leave Belial alone once again. 

Releasing a tense breath, Belial's eyes moves down to her hands. Her right hand opens to reveal Alastor's ring. This ring is the only thing that keeps her sane in this place. Belial had to fight with the angels to keep her ring as they already took away her clothes, shoes, and the necklace to these clothes. She doesn't know if it is pity from Michael as he allow her to keep the ring. 

The only way they will pry the ring from her is when she is dead. 

Clutching the ring tightly in her hands, a couple of tears roll down her cheeks. A lot of memories is held in this ring. Belial wants to return home, not here. Heaven is like Hell and Hell is Heaven to her - how ironic if anyone heard that. 

Holding back her tears, Belial took a deep breath to calm her emotions. Wearing her ring on her left thumb, Belial felt the branch design. If Heaven wants her to have a trial then she will not go down without a fight. She will break down their words and use it against them if given the chance.

If she sent to die for her crimes, at least she will make them remember that she was the fallen angel who went against Heaven until the very end. 


A/N: Man, I was crying like a baby when writing this chapter. 

Taken away from her home, family, friends, and the one she loves - I would not handle that if I'm in her shoes. 

Anyways, stay tune for more chapters. I need to get tissues (just in case). 


Incorrect Quotes

Alastor: "I will now torture you, my darling." 

Belial: *Raised an eyebrow, grinning* "Wow, Alastor, I thought I was -" 

Alastor: *Smiles* "I think you are beautiful. A sight to behold~"

Belial: *Tenses up* "Wait..."

Alastor: *Moving towards her* "You deserved to be cared for as much as you care for others." 

Belial: *Backing away* "No."

Alastor: *Leaning forward, trapping her against the wall* "Your feelings and needs are valid and deserve to be heard, my darling Belial."

Belial: *Holding up her hands* "I neEd a SaFeWorD!"


Angel: "So, Here's the tea." 

Vaggie: "It's called a meeting report, Angel." 

Angel: "Do you want the tea or not?" 


Alastor: "Remember one time I liked you?" 

Jasper: "No-"


Jasper: "..." 

Alastor: "HAHA!" 


Belial: "I'll drink my sorrows away." 

Belial: *Opens a Capri Sun*



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