War against Heaven

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Crossing her arms over her chest, her lips curl up into a wide grin. The sound of wings soaring into the sky made the fallen angel chuckle. The sight of white and gold made her eyes hurt as it stood out against the black and red environment of Hell. Glowing weapons brightens in the intruders' possessions - angels with smiling masks on their face.

The fallen angel uncurls her arms to crack her fists, ready to punch these annoying pests back to Heaven. Her white hair tied into a tight ponytail as her blue eyes narrow at the angels. Her white button up shirt and black dress pants with black dress shoes. "Ready to kick some angels back to their Pops?" She glances at her older sibling who shares similar appearance such as their hair color. He wore a white suit with hints of dark pink. Lucifer held a metal cane with a red apple at the top of it.

A chuckle left Lucifer's lips, "You don't need to ask, Belial."

Belial nods her head. They turn to the armies of angels holding their heavenly weapons. Even if they wear those annoying masks, Belial could feel bloodlust oozing out from their bodies. It is quite ironic to see these 'good' creatures sharing something in common with demons - even if they deny it.

This time, they will show these angels and God that they are stronger than them. They will pay for interrupting their lives in Hell including the demons.

Readying her fists, her hands glow gold as a white plate gauntlets form around her hands. Without a single word, Belial ran towards the army of angels with her weapon craves for a good battle.


Her once white shirt is dye gold from the blood of angels. Hours of bloodshed and flying bodies of angels, Belial doesn't break a sweat as her wild eyes scans for her next target. Slamming her right fist against one angel's heads, gold splatters across the red ground of Hell. She turns behind her to see Lucifer still slaughtering angels left and right with his sharp long sword. Before Belial could crush one angel's head with her hands, a few angels begin to fly past their heads.

Thoughts of fear run through her head. That is the direction of Lucifer's mansion where Lilith is kept safe and secure with demonic guards. Even if she is protected by guards, angels are strong especially holding holy weapons. Belial draws up her powers to slam her left fist against the floor to create a giant crater that stretch ten miles. She runs to her brother's side to kill one angel that attempts to close in the space to Lucifer. "Lucifer, there are angels leaving to her direction." She quickly informs him.

"Go, I'll handle them." Lucifer orders, slamming his sword into the ground. Hundreds of black hands form around his sword and move towards the angels to grab them. Six black wings form on Belial's back and she flew towards the direction of Lucifer's home.


Ashes move away from the fallen angel as she lands on the red ground. The angels didn't waste anytime slaughtering the demonic guards. Chaos spreads into the manor. Belial runs past the broken doors. Her fists lands on one angel, sending her enemy through one of the many windows of the Magne's manor. "Lilith!" Belial calls for the wife of Lucifer. Charging to the bedroom of the manor, Belial founds Lilith being cornered by three angels. The succubus glares the intruders with hate. The sight of her glowing eyes and long black horns made Belial angry.

Without hesitation, Belial charge for the kill. Her right hand wraps around the angel's neck. A loud snap could be heard as she threw the angel at another one. She has little time until the broken neck angel recovers to fight again. Belial stood in front of Lilith, forming a shield for her. "I never thought you guys are desperate enough to win! Then again, we aren't so different." Belial looks at the three angels. One held a holy spear, chains, and the last held a long sword.

The angel that held the sword caught her interest. Belial wouldn't mind having more holy weapons in her collection. Lilith could only watch as Belial made contact with the first angel. Her hands held her round stomach. If only she wasn't pregnant, she would make sure these angels will regret meeting her.

The sight of gold splattering the red wallpaper and black rug. Belial made short work of those angels. Lilith slowly stood up as Belial wipes away the dust from her clothes. "I thought they would be a challenge. God has really think lowly of us..." Belial mutters under her breath. She turns to the pregnant succubus. "Are you hurt anywhere, Sis?" The fallen angel utters her nickname for Lilith.

"No, you come at the right time." Lilith replies. Belial let out a sigh of relief. She doesn't want anything happen to her family especially the little one coming soon. "Let's move you somewhere safe." The sound of moving caught her ears. Belial quickly turns to face the angels to see a flash of gold.

Hot flashes of pain form at her eyes. "BEL!" She heard her name being called. Belial shouts on the top of her lungs as she tries to see what cause this pain. The only thing she saw is pitch black darkness. No matter, she will kill this angel even if it is in a dark room. Emotions run through her body as hot white anger flow through her veins. Her hands dart forward, gripping something tightly in her hands. "DON'T THINK YOU HAVE THE UPPER HAND!" Belial shouts. Her right hand grips tightly as her left hand grabs something that is similar to an arm. With all her strength, she rips the angel's arm clean off. Belial lands on top of the angel then punch the angel's head until it is a golden mush.

Lilith saw Belial slowly stood up from her spot. She saw that her sister-in-law's hands shaking. She saw that Belial has gone to her demonic side as black horns form at the top of her head. "Bel...?" Lilith broke the tense silence. Hearing the sound of Lilith's soft voice made Belial snap her head to her. The succubus' eyes widen to see Belial's blue eyes had turn light blue close to white.

"Hey Sis, turn on the lights. It's annoying that it is dark in here."


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