Little Princess

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Belial and Lucifer had to wait in the large hallways as doctors and midwives aid the queen in the birth. The blind woman sat on top of a chair as her ears hear the sound of Lucifer's shoes clicking against the blood red tiled floors. Her right leg rest the top of her left as her arms cross against her chest. She could feel Lucifer's rising anxiety from her spot. Resting on top of the bridge of her nose is a pair of round sunglasses. 

Since her blindness, Belial have notice that her senses greatly heighten to replace her loss. She have to depend on her other senses to get through the day. Her nose caught the scent of blood and apples that comes from Lucifer. Lilith bears the scent of roses and chocolate. "Sit down, Lucifer. You are going to make a hole with your walking." Belial spoke up. She pats the empty chair at her left. Lucifer let out a deep sigh then take a seat next to his sister. Belial smiles at the sound of the chair creaking next to her. 

She picks up her sunglasses to rest them on top of her head. "Don't worry your pretty little head, Lucifer. Sis is tougher that you thought - you know better than anyone." She remarks. Lucifer looks at his sister, bearing a frown on his face. "I know that." He spoke up. Her right eyebrow lift from his answer. "Then, what is it?" Lucifer let out a deep sigh as he leans back in his seat. His hands covering his face. 

"Being a father, what if I am like him?" 

"No way." Belial bluntly states, "You're a thousand times better than that old fart." Lucifer leans forward with his head drop low. "How can you be so sure about that Bel?" He wants answers. From the sound of her voice, she displays confidence in Lucifer. Belial shrugs her shoulders, "Its just a gut feeling." Lucifer facepalms at her answer. Belial face forward, leaning back in her seat. 

"If you really want to know, you care about your wife and her well-being. You even run my ear off about the news of her pregnancy..." His cheeks turn red from her comment. "Besides, you are not raising your baby alone. You got Lilith and your cool sister by your side." Lucifer let out a chuckle. The feeling of anxiety left his body. "...Thank you, Bel." 

"No problem! Besides, I'll just kick your ass if you screw up." 


They are interrupted by the sound of doors opening. Lucifer looks forward to see one of the doctors. "What is it?" Lucifer's voice turns serious. The doctor's face turns pale when receiving Lucifer's glowing eyes. "Before you turn this doctor into a stuttering mess, can you tell us what is going on?" Belial decides to speak up. The sound of a baby cry caught their ears.

" Lord-"

"Out of my way." Lucifer walk past the scared demon to be by his wife's side. Belial stood up and stood at the door way to let Lucifer spend time with his wife and baby. "So Doc, is the baby a boy or a girl?" She decides to ask. The doctor shivers in his spot but answers the best he could, "I-I-It's a princess, Lady Belial!" Belial's smiles become wider from this news. 

"Ha! A baby girl! Great news for everyone in Hell." Belial laughs then slaps the back of the doctor. He almost lost his footing but quickly recovers, the doctor winces from the strength of the blind woman. Belial heard her name being called by Lucifer. She follow his voice to walk into the room. The smell of Lucifer and Lilith is strong in this room. 

Next to the bed is Lucifer holding the baby princess in his arms. He smiles at his daughter. The sight of her blonde hair and pink cheeks made his heart soften. Lilith smiles at his husband and daughter. She gestures a nurse to move Belial to a chair at her bedside. In silent, the nurse help Belial to sit down at a chair. "Feeling tired, Sis?" Belial had to ask. Lilith let out a giggle, "You have no idea..." The sound of a baby babble caught Belial's ears. She is glad that their baby is healthy by the sound of her babble. 

"You can relax now since the hardest part is over." 

"It's only the beginning, Bel." 

Lucifer dismiss the nurses and the doctors to leave them alone. As the door close, Lucifer whispers to his baby girl. "Hey Sis...if you don't mind, can you describe what your daughter looks like?" Lilith is about to describe her daughter but Lucifer stops her. "This little spawn has her mother's golden hair and beautiful skin. She even has some of my features - my eyes and my red cheeks! She will certainly be beautiful like her mother." Lucifer describes his daughter to Belial. A gentle smile could be seen on Belial's face. 

"If she has both of your features, then she certainly will be heartbreaker." Lucifer glares at Belial. "No person will not date my daughter! They have to go through me first." He comments. The women chuckle at his response. "Well, Lucifer got the overprotective side down." Belial thought to herself. "Lucifer, let Belial hold Charlotte." Lilith spoke to Lucifer. The king of Hell slowly approaches Belial. 

"Charlotte, that's her name?" 

"Yes, both of us agreed on the name." 

"...That name is perfect." Belial smiles. She tense up when a piece of cloth touch her hands and arms. "I shouldn't hold her." She tries to protest but Lucifer tuts at his sister. "No need to be scared, Bel." Lucifer chuckles. His hands guides Belial to hold his daughter correctly in her arms. Belial remains still. The couple watch her slowly relax in her seat. Belial cautiously lifts her left index finger to touch the baby's left hand. Her eyes look down at the baby that is in her arms. She couldn't help but tear up. 

"Sorry that I can't see your adorable face, Charlotte....but I promise you this - I'll protect you." Belial whispers in a soft voice. She pulls Charlotte closer to her body, embracing her cute niece. It has been years since she felt peace. 




"...Also, I will spoil the Hell out of you.


"HA ! You can't stop me Brother. It is my responsibility as an aunt to spoil my niece." 


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