Don't leave me

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Charlie could hear her own heart beating hard against her chest. Charlie and Alastor quickly move outside to the back of the hotel when their ears caught the sounds of a deafening bang. The princess of Hell can't ignore that sound as it is close by. Charlie told Vaggie to take charge of the party to move towards the source of the noise. Alastor follows her since no one will not lay a hand on the place under his protection. 

As she took a step out from her hotel with Alastor, they were greeted by a horrible sight - a nightmare. The color of dark gold paint the hotel's ground. That blood lead their eyes to Belial laying on the ground behind Jasper. Never in her life she would think that this demon would raise a hand against the person who took him in under her wing. In the demon's hand is the glowing gun bearing sigils. 

"Jasper...Jasper, why?!" Charlie couldn't help but shout at the demon. Jasper's eyes glow as they burn with hatred. "Why I should answer to you? Is it an order from the princess of Hell or just because you 'know' me?" He hisses out. The sound of static made the both of them turn to Alastor. The demon bears a sharp grin, showing his malicious side to them. His body emits a bright red glow as he held his microphone staff tightly, almost snapping it into two. Glowing red eyes looks into Jasper's eyes. 

"You little insignificant bug...I will end you.

With the promise of torture for harming Belial, Alastor is about to snap his fingers but a long black staff held out in front of him. They were surprised to see Lucifer appear in front of them. "Calm yourself, Radio demon or you will die instantly." The king of Hell warns him. Charlie is about to ask why but her body felt heavy. It is hard to breathe as she felt invisible weights on her entire body. Shaking and gasping, a gentle hand touch her left shoulder. Her head snaps up to see her mother standing beside her. 

"Breathe." Lilith told her, bearing a serious expression. It took a couple of seconds for her to breathe normally. Her eyes moves to look in front of her. It lands on a tall figure standing beside the fallen Belial. His golden hair stood out from hell along with his pristine white suit with gold trims. This man held a stronger glow more than the exterminators she witness before. 

Her mind tells her not to put her guard down as this individual is dangerous like her parents and aunt. Charlie snaps her head to Alastor who is emitting a tense smile with the sound of ear-bleeding static. She could see how hard Alastor is trying to hold back his bloodlust and the urge to take Belial back from these two. 

He could also feel how powerful this person is.

Lucifer's eyes narrow at the stranger, "You haven't changed last time we met, Michael." Charlie shakes in her spot as she couldn't believe that one of God's archangels is standing before them. "You are doing well for yourself, brother." Michael simply said then kneels down Belial's side. Charlie felt a cold chill down her spine as she listens to Michael's words. 

"Today is not your day to die." 

Placing his glowing right hand on Belial's back, they heard the fallen angel groan. Michael's powers help mend Belial's bullet wound. The sound of coughing made Charlie tense up. Belial raises to her knees, spiting out the blood from her mouth. Lucifer watches Michael still has his hand on Belial's back. This gesture made Lucifer's eyes narrow at the archangel. 

"How are you feeling, Sister?" Michael asks. Belial wipes the blood from her lips. "I would say fine if I wasn't shot." Her reply brought little relief to her family and Alastor. Lucifer shakes his head at her answer, "Smart comments in serious situations as always." He thought to himself. Michael stood up from his spot, "Wonderful, then you are fit enough to meet with father." 

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