Trial of Heaven

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Heaven's bell rung throughout Heaven. Angels who lived for centuries know what the bell means. The fallen one who left Heaven with her brother, Belial the Fallen. Abandoning God and her siblings for Lucifer, they wonder why she does such a thing. Whispers of disgust and disbelief flooded the courtroom as the angels watch Belial's guards bring the woman by her elbow. 

Gold bracelets lock on her wrist and ankles. Being locked away for days can be seen on her figure. White hair grew past her shoulders. Her pale face and darken bags under her eyes. The audience glare at the sight of her horns and tail. A disgusting sight standing before them. 

She was guided to stand in the middle of the marbled floor. Her body facing the tall white judges' bench that stood 11 feet tall. The two judges' seats are her other two brothers - Raphael and Uriel. Raphael has wavy platinum blonde hair with blue eyes. Uriel has his white hair tied into a braided bun with a blue silk ribbon. Like many of her siblings, they wore pure white suits with gold or silver trimmed edges. 

Belial looks down to see gold chains formed from her bracelets to connect to the floor beneath her. Raphael silences the crowd with the sound of his voice. 

"Now, we shall begin the trial of Belial the Fallen. For the crimes against our father and Heaven itself."

Uriel is the next one to speak. "Belial, you turn your back against our Father and Heaven to join Lucifer in Hell. While your time in Hell, you kill many of our brethren. You have spilled their blood on Hell's ground. What do you say for yourself?" The whispers caught Belial's ears. She looks up to the three of them. 

"I won't lie, I have committed those crimes." Her answer seems to rile up the angels until Belial spoke up again. "But that was many centuries ago when Heaven and Hell were at war with each other. I kill many to protect the ones I love, my family." She silences the audience with her words. 

"I will not stand by to let my family become slaughtered by angels who claim righteousness!"  



"You have no right!" 

Belial looks at the bracelet on her wrists. Her eyes narrow as the audience spew a slew of insults towards her. Gabriel stood among the crowd watches in silence. He didn't join the cries against Belial. His hands form into a tight ball. "Father, please stop this, I don't want to lose my sister." He thought to himself. Angels shouldn't be this merciless, they should offer a helping hand to those who need help. Even offering a hand to the ones below, Gabriel wants that but it seems that everyone lost their way throughout the centuries. If he spoke what is in his heart, he will only meet with hostility. He admits that Belial is braver to speak what is in her mind than he would ever be.

Uriel silent the crowd again by ordering them to become silent. "Then, what is wrong or what is right?" Belial's neutral voice echoes in the courtroom. Her head rises to look around. Her eyes widen to see Gabriel among the angels. She pulls away to turn away from Gabriel's pained sight. Belial knows that the court won't grant her any mercy. If anything, it is prolonged sentencing for her death. She doesn't care what the outcome is. She already made peace with herself. She lived a good life with people she loves by her side.

 "What gives all of you the right to lay judgment on those who lived in Hell?" Her question carries in the air. Her hands form into shaky fists. The familiar touch of her ring under her right hand gives her the strength to continue her words. 

"Who gives you the right to act as God?" 

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