First Client

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"You don't have to come with us, Aunt Bel." Charlie spoke to the woman across from her and Vaggie. The three of them takes Lucifer's former limousine to travel around the city of Hell. After fixing the hotel up to suitable conditions. Charlie had announced that they should look for the first person for the project. "I'm fine, Pup. Besides, I am security - got to protect you guys." Belial replies with a grin. Charlie has a small frown when seeing Belial wincing slightly when she tries to adjust in her seat.  

It seems that the loss of her wing is painful for Belial since the limousine's seat is pressing against her wound. Belial sat at the side seats of the limousine while the two girls sat on the back seat. Belial remains silence when the girls invite a wandering demon from the street to their vehicle. Every time Charlie explains her project to them, the demon would just laugh their face. Each rejection made Charlie sad but she doesn't give up. Belial would throw the demon out harshly when they hurt Charlie's feelings with insults. Vaggie would comfort Charlie and would remind her that they should keep going. 

After hours of searching for the first client, they decide to check another demon before they retire for the day. The limousine stops at the side besides a familiar demon. Vaggie turns to Charlie with a questioning gaze, "Are you sure about him, Hun?" Charlie nods her head. Rolling down the window, the spider demon peers into the window with a smile. "Hello there-" Angel dust pauses to see Charlie greeting him with a nervous smile. Angel dust pulls back, holding his hand out to Charlie. 

"Woah now, for ladies I charge extra-"

"No no no! We don't want any of that. I was wondering if we could talk to you real quick?" 

Angel dust scoffs then let out a sigh, "I'm on the clock, sister. You gotta pay if you want to waste my time." Charlie replies with a smile, "I can do that!" Opening the door for the porn star, Angel simply shrugs his shoulders and come side the limousine. His eyes lands on Belial, surprised to see the mysterious woman here. "Heya, toots! Never thought I would see you here." He chuckles. Vaggie and Charlie watch Belial's stance relax as she gives him a grin. 

"You know him, Aunt Bel?"

"Oh, we know each other so well that day~ Right, toots?" Angel grins at the woman who simply chuckles. Charlie's eyes widen as her cheeks turn dark. Vaggie's face turns red as she looks at Belial and Angel dust. "Y-you and him?!" Vaggie stutters out. She never thought a person like Belial would hire a sex worker. Vaggie always thought Belial is more who form a relationship then sex. It seems they don't know Belial all to well.  Belial chuckles more, "We just hung out and eat hell's burgers together, that's all." Angel let out a sigh, "Way to kill my fun, toots." The women let out silent breath of relief from her answer. 

"Are you sure you want to talk to him?" Vaggie asks Charlie who simply said yes as she thinks the porn star is a good person. "So, I'm on the clock." Angel spoke up. Vaggie asks Angel for his name. Angel simply told his name and his job as a porn star. "I'm famous here." Angel announces. Vaggie sighs then introduces Charlie, herself, and Belial to Angel. The spider demon laughs at Vaggie's nickname. The moth demon held her tongue as she explains their project to him. 

"Is it?" 

"We don't know yet." 


Charlie decides to jump in the conversation, "But, we would want you to be our first subject." Angel questions the princess' sanity, "Why me?" Charlie explains that he seems to be a person who regrets their life choices and would be interested in redemption. Vaggie shakes her head, "Because we have been talking to demons all day and nobody has agreed to it yet." Angel laughs loudly at Vaggie's explanation. The moth demon adds that he would get free food, housing, and protection from Hell's hazards if he agrees with their plan and attempt to redeeming himself. 

"Sounds lame." Angel replies with a grin. Vaggie growls at his words. Charlie held her girlfriend in her arms, "Aw! You can't tell me you enjoy standing on the side of the street - waiting for someone to pay know." Charlie is a bit flustered at the end. Angel simply smiles. Vaggie told Charlie that Angel is not suitable for this and they should look tomorrow. Her comment made Angel frown for a second.

"Hey! Who said I'm not a good pick? You broads don't know me." 

"Then prove it!" 

"...I'm in." Angel smirks at the moth demon. Charlie's eyes sparkle as Belial's lips form a gentle grin. It seems that Angel want to prove Vaggie wrong, accepting the challenge. Belial wonders how this will play out. Angel decides to leave, telling them that he still have work to do. Like Belial, Charlie hands Angel a large stack of money to him. Angel glance at the money then to Belial and Charlie. "What is this? Is this...a trick?" Angel asks. Charlie told him that it is for helping them and for a future investment. 

"...There is a lot more to you. Angel, we want to help you." 

Her words made Angel silence for a second, scoffing softly. "Pff, okay...I mean I don't really need any help so yeah." He replies then leave the vehicle. Charlie told the porn star that they will be in touch with him. Angel watch the limousine drive back to the hotel as he remains standing on the street. 

Redemption...they were strange women.


Returning to her room, Belial slowly unbuttons her shirt to reveal bloody bandages on her back. "Probably opened up again." She mutters to herself. The knock on the door made Belial sigh. "Who is it?" She spoke up. Her ears caught the voice of Charlie from the other side. Belial told Charlie to come in. Charlie opens the door to see Belial unwrapping her bandage to reveal her open wound. 

"I got the first aid, Aunt Bel." She approaches Belial with the box of first aid. Belial sat on the edge of her bed to let Charlie do her work. Cleaning the blood away with a wet towel then treating her wound. Both of them sat in silence. Charlie glance at the wing on the wooden table. "You are wondering what I will do with my wing, right?" Charlie jumps from Belial's voice. The princess nods her head. 

"Anything from an angel is valuable to a demon, Pup. They would pay a lot for even a tiny piece." Charlie finish wrapping the bandage around Belial's body. She sits next to the fallen angel. Belial pets the top of Charlie's head then grabs a new shirt from her closet for her to wear. "By the right connections, I can make a holy weapon from my wing. It's better than letting it gather dust." Belial buttons her shirt to approach her wing. 

"A-A holy weapon?" 

"By having a new holy weapon, it also help me protect everyone in this hotel better." Belial turns her head to the side to give Charlie a soft smile. Belial turns to face Charlie, holding up her arms to her. She close the distance between them as she wrap her arms around Charlie. Belial felt something wet on the front of her shirt. 

"Aw come on, Pup. You shouldn't cry about this." Belial chuckles under her breath. Charlie sniffles as she looks up at her aunt. "B-But...your wings. I didn't know you lost two of your wings before this." Charlie whimpers out. Belial smiles gently at her niece. Her heart soften - Charlie has a good heart even if she is born in Hell. "Don't worry, Pup. I'm strong, I can handle this." Belial tries to reassure Charlie but Charlie is still worried. "...Please...don't hurt yourself anymore by forcing your powers to heal, promise me." Belial let out a deep sigh then embrace Charlie into her arms. "Okay, Pup - I promise." She spoke in a soft voice. Charlie smiles happily then returns Belial's embrace. 

Sorry, Pup...I would gladly sacrifice my wings and even my life if it means keeping you and the others safe...


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