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Charlie paces back and forth across the hotel's lobby. Worry could be seen on her face as she bite her thumbnail. It has been hours since Belial left the hotel for a walk. In her other hand is her Hell's phone, calling her aunt over and over again but she only got is her voicemail. "Hun, please sit down." Vaggie spoke up, concern over her girlfriend. The moth demon had to sit on the loveseat they recently bought to ease her anxiety but it didn't help much since she is fidgeting in her seat from looking at Charlie's pacing.

"I can't, I'm worried...she doesn't take walks this long." 

"Sit down please, walking around won't help you." Charlie took a long sigh then plops down on the loveseat next to her girlfriend. "...She doesn't answer my calls either. She always answers." Charlie mutters under her breath. Vaggie rubs Charlie's back to comfort her. "She will come back soon, besides she can protect herself." Charlie looks at Vaggie then gives her a tired smile. "...You're right...Thank you." 

The sound of footsteps dragging across the floor and loud muttering made the women turn to the front door. "...Why this place have to be so far away?" Belial's voice could be heard from the other side of the front door. The door opens to reveal Belial who looks like she went through a war. "Finally...home sweet home." Belial announces then she plops on the floor with a loud bang. "A-AUNT BEL!" Charlie tears up and quickly runs to her aunt's side. Vaggie joins Charlie's side to take in Belial's appearance. 

"W-what happened?!" Charlie is shocked to see her aunt in this state. Vaggie slowly turns Belial to her back in which Belial groans. They saw that her sunglasses are missing, looking into her blind eyes. "Well, I have a dance with the Radio demon for one." Belial answers, "Did you girls didn't hear the live broadcast?" 

"WHAT?!" Charlie flinches from Vaggie's loud voice. "You have a 'dance' with the Radio demon?!" She demands answers. "By dance, I mean fighting him to the bloody mess so yeah...a dance." Belial replies with a tired voice, "After that, we have dinner at this nice restaurant. I would recommend it for their well-cooked meat." They couldn't believe what Belial is saying. First, they have a fight - almost ripping each other to shreds based on her clothes and dry wounds on her body. Then, they had dinner. 

They have no words. 

"...W-why you were fighting him, Aunt Bel?" Charlie's question made Belial pause. That is a good question - why did she fight him? She could just reject him and leave him. No, she couldn't leave. Belial is starved for a good fight, something to made her blood pump and her heart scream with excitement. She craves for freedom to go into a bloody brawl. Like Alastor said, she wants to live to her heart's content even if she never thought about it before. Under Lucifer's rules, Belial was limited to dealing with weaker demons who want to overthrow the ruler of Hell. 

Fighting made her feel something of worth...Being someone's opponent made her feel worthy. 

If Belial can't fight, then what is the use of having her alive?  

Without her powers, she is just a blind and weak woman. 

A burden. 

"Aunt Bel...? Are you okay?" Charlie's voice brought her back to reality. Belial could hear worry in her niece's voice. Slowly, Belial sits up from her spot to hold her left shoulder. "Yeah, Pup. I'm good." She replies with a tired grin, "As for your question, I don't know Pup." Then, Belial stood up from her spot. Her back is to the girls. "I'll talk to you girls later, I need to get out of these clothes." 

"R-right, good night Aunt Bel." 

"Night, Pup and Vaggie." 

Belial left the girls to themselves. They only have more questions than answers for the blind woman. The lively atmosphere around Belial was replaced with somberness. Charlie never seen her aunt like this as she is always the smiling and lively woman of the house. "Aunt can tell me anything. I'm here for you." Charlie thought to herself, rubbing the side of her arm. Worry about her aunt's wounds, Charlie quickly grabs the first aid kit. 

It is the least she can do...since her aunt had done so much for them. 


Charlie approaches the closed door that leads to Belial's room. With the first aid kit in her left hand, she knocks the door. "Aunt Bel, it's me Charlie." Charlie spoke in a soft voice. No answer from the other side, "Aunt Bel?" Charlie calls for her aunt again. Biting the bottom of her lips, Charlie decides to open the door out of worry. "Aunt Bel, I-" Her words are stuck in her throat when opening the door. Her top half of her clothes scatter on the floor. 

Dark gold blood spills on the ground, black feathers scattered on the red carpet. Tear build up in her eyes when she saw one black wing laid on the carpet. Her wing is the deepest color of black and its length is seven feet. Charlie found Belial's wings beautiful and soft to the touch. This sight made her heart squeeze painfully. 

Charlie's eyes widen when she saw Belial's scarred back as Belial stood straight up from her bed. Two deep scars where two bottom row of her wings once was. A large blood spot is on the middle right row - this is where the wing on the floor once was. Her blood coats the bottom of her right hand. 

The sound of the kit drop on the ground made Belial flinch. Belial turns her head to the side. "...Pup, is that you?" Charlie couldn't even speak as her throat tightens as tears roll down her face. She saw sweat rolls down Belial's face as Belial gave her a painful grin. " aren't meant to see this Pup." 

"W-why...? Why...are you losing your wings?" Charlie stutters out as she drags her feet to Belial. How could this happen? When did this happen?" She asks more questions. "Healing and repairing can take a lot out of me." Belial finally answers, "I'm not the best with that kind of stuff. Lucifer is better at it than me. I am more of a destroy everything person." She moves to sit at the edge of her bed where Charlie stood. 

"To heal myself and put the radio demon's arm back to his body, I have to use more of my powers so I lose my wing as a result." Belial let out a sigh. Then she turns to Charlie's direction. "I don't regret my decision Pup." Two tears roll down Charlie's face as she quickly wipes it away. The princess grabs a wet towel to wipe away the dry blood on Belial's back. Belial let Charlie wipe her back clean. Both of them takes in the comfortable silence until Charlie spoke up. 

"...I understand why you want to heal yourself but why you healed him too?" She wonders why Belial heals her opponent - this demon over thousands of people before him. She never extend this amount of kindness to someone outside of her family. Belial sat in silence then chuckles, "He is good dance partner." Charlie blinks at her answer. She frowns as Belial probably won't tell her anymore. The princess will ask Belial more about this radio demon. She have to admit, she is curious of Belial's actions towards this certain demon. 

"Let's get you cleaned up and I'll take care of your cuts." Charlie told Belial. While Belial is taking a shower, Charlie did her best to clean up the blood on the carpet. She has no heart to pick up the torn off wing. Charlie left the wing on the ground for Belial to deal with later. After her shower, Belial let Charlie treat her wounds with the first aid kit.  Wrapping up her wounds, Charlie left Belial with a good night. Belial wore a large t-shirt and comfortable shorts as sleep wear. 

The fallen angel pick up her wing with a clean towel to lay it on her wooden table at the other side of the room. Her finger brush past the wing's feather. Belial left her spot to lay on her bed, on her right side. It didn't take long for Belial to fall into a deep slumber as today took a lot of her. 


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