Drinking with Music

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"A welcoming party. That's sounds great." Belial agrees with her niece's suggestion to bring more clients for her project. Since the 666 News, they don't have any luck. By having this party, they would have a better chance. Besides, it would give them a chance to let new clients see the hotel in person. Charlie's eyes sparkle at the many ideas she have for this party. She had ask Vaggie first if it is a great idea. The moth demon agrees since it will bring them close to their project and it will cheer up Charlie. 

Alastor who stood beside Belial hums, "Wonderful idea! I must say it is will be entertaining to bring in more souls into this hotel!" His lips curl up at the idea. Charlie giggles then quickly tells them her ideas of forming a party - music, food with drinks, invitations, and many more. Belial help Charlie form some sort of plan which Charlie enjoys. The two of them have a conversation. Alastor kept his eyes on the two of them especially Belial who smiles at her. The grin on his face made Vaggie suspicious. "Don't think about ruining about this." She spoke up. Alastor let out a chuckle, "Of course not! I wouldn't dream about it! In fact, I look forward to this." 

"Now then, if I may give a suggestion. I have a person in mind to bring the life of the party!" Alastor announces. Charlie turns back to Alastor with a wide smile, "Really?! Who?" 


"A club?" Vaggie spoke up with her arms cover her chest. She is not keen on Alastor's suggestion since she still doesn't trust the demon yet. Angel let out a sigh, "Come on, don't be such a drag!" Husk mutters a curse under his breath, "I didn't drink enough for this..." Alastor interrupts their potential argument by speaking up, "Not just any club! They are popular in their wonderful music especially their singers. Now then, let us go!" He declares then motions them to enter. Charlie and the others enter the bar to hear lively jazz music playing. 

The demons in the bar are sitting at their own tables with drinks in their hands. Charlie taps her feet to the beat of the song. Belial listens to the song with her niece. As they enter the building, all eyes are on them. To have Alastor, Belial, and Charlie in one place, it would make heads turn in shock especially the powerful beings of Hell. The group ignores the attention by taking one of the large tables for all of them. 

As they took their seats, a lively feminine voice greets the radio demon. "Alastor, is that you, sugar?" The group turns to the direction of the voice to see a short with eye-catching curves of a  woman. What catches demons eyes is her dazzling pink flapper dress with matching headband and feather. Her blonde hair is a short, just reaching her jawline. Her pink pupils scans Alastor's group. Alastor greets her with a smile. "Mimzy! How wonderful to meet you again. I can see you are doing well!" He place a kiss on top of her right hand in greetings like a gentleman. 

Mimzy let out a girlish giggle in response, "Of course, this place is my pride and joy. Now then, nice to meet you all!" She looks at Alastor's large company. Already recognizing a few familiar faces such as Husk, Angel dust, and Charlie. The princess of Hell and Vaggie introduce themselves to Mimzy out of politeness. Base on Charlie sitting close to Vaggie with loving eyes, they are a couple. Mimzy had met Husk before and Angel dust is known as the porn star of Hell. Then, her eyes move to Belial who sat next to Alastor. 

A woman sitting next to Alastor without a bat of an eye from the radio demon. This made her raise an eyebrow. "I never seen you around these parts. Who are you?" Mimzy spoke up, her eyes are on Belial. The fallen angel greets her with a welcoming grin. "If I wasn't busy then I would be around here often. The music is nice." She replies. Mimzy scans Belial's clothes. 

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