[ Jeff ] - V

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» Any and all people that he's met he's either stabbed or tried to stab at least once. Friends? Probably stabbed em. Authority figures? Stabbed em. Enemies? Definitely, 100% has stabbed them.

» Not a single day goes by where Jeff doesn't flip someone the bird. Ben once decided to keep track of how many times he did it in a day and by the time Jeff had gone to bed, he'd shown The Finger 15 times. In a single day.

» When he first became a serial killer, Jeff was a horrible person. He was an edgy wannabe psychopath who liked causing misery to everyone he met, no matter who they were. When someone cried, he laughed. When something sad happened, he wouldn't care or poke fun at it. Once he was free from his terrible parent's clutches, he stopped holding back and he went way too far, going as far as to kill and antagonize small children and animals.
When he got older, however, he slowly started to realize that his actions were messed up and gradually became less of an asshole. And by less of an asshole, I mean not a dick towards children and animals anymore. He still enjoys killing, but he refuses to harm animals such as dogs and cats and kids younger than 15. He'll never admit it for as long as he's alive, but he grew to have a soft spot for kids, especially ones who're less fortunate like he was. He even goes as far as protecting them from sketchy situations, killing any grown person who tries to mess with them. This is why he tends to be extremely overprotective towards Ben - he's grown to view him as a son/younger brother. He'd been through a lot, and once Jeff found out about it all, he vowed that he would rip apart anybody who laid so much as a skin cell on him with malicious intent.

In short, he went from an emo edgelord with a god complex to protective dad figure when around children over the course of several years. But make no mistake - his first instinct is still to stab and make snarky comments at someone he's never seen before, so don't think of him as some guy you can befriend easily. And he's still just as bloodthirsty as he once was, so if you see him on the streets, run for your life and don't look back.

Also when he's alone, he's still an irresponsible idiot. But when he's around younger folks, he suddenly acts a lot more responsible and wary.

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