[ Ben ] III

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» Ben drowned on his 12th birthday. Because of this, he doesn't typically like celebrating his birthday and refuses to tell people when it is. That and he doesn't really know how to celebrate his birthday due to him not being able to remember the last time he did so without being backstabbed and murdered.

» He gets seasick SO FUCKING BAD it's not even funny. Slender once assigned him and a couple of the other pastas to investigate a boat that had been left adrift in a large river and poor Ben spent the majority of that mission laying down in bed with horrible nausea.

» Ben doesn't typically use weapons, what with him being a super powerful ghost and all that. On certain missions or whenever things get rough, however, he has a crossbow that he's very good at using.

» He doesn't kill people unless it is absolutely, positively necessary for something like self defense. He hates hurting people and does anything to avoid violence in a situation. Anytime violence is required, he feels extremely guilty and bad about it afterwards.

Creepypasta Headcanons (Revamped!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang