15. investigating

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"Okay let's investigate, Boo, I'm assuming you did some shallow investigation." Wonwoo started to talk once they reached the room open for investigations. "Which one are we working on first? The late king's passing or Mingyu's items being stolen?" He turned to Seungkwan, just gazing at the body guard through his glasses.

Mingyu scowled quietly, watching how Wonwoo had a slight smile on his face. Seungkwan hadn't even noticed. He just went on, "I think we should try the smaller crime first. Our prince's things being stolen." Seungkwan looked over at Mingyu and squeezed his shoulder.

"Okay then, have you checked in with all the girls and guys he'd slept with?" Wonwoo said bluntly as Seungkwan was taken aback by the words. "Uh, yeah. Except there's been this girl, who'd keep going to Mingyu's quarters and saying she wants a one-night stand." Seungkwan brought up a new piece of information as Wonwoo scrunched his brows together.

"We should check that out, you want to come with me?" Wonwoo suggested as Seungkwan nodded. "We can catch up! I haven't seen your face since we were pre-teens!" Seungkwan grinned brightly as Wonwoo agreed with a wide smile.

Mingyu frowned, "I'll go too. Seungkwan, you can stay back, get some rest." He held his body guard by the shoulders as Seungkwan's eyes glittered. He wore a pout on his lips. "Why can't I? Won just got here. You can't dictate what I do!" Seungkwan refused as he walked by Wonwoo's side.

"Fine." Mingyu huffed, tagging along as the Fire Prince was already on his way out of the room. They were roaming the palace halls as a girl kept roaming around. "Prince! Give me a one—" Wonwoo grabbed her arm and pulled her behind the pillar.

"Won, you could've been more.. Gentle." Seungkwan mumbled as Mingyu heard it. He pouted and held Seungkwan's hand. He didn't want to argue with Seungkwan. He just rubbed the other's hand softly.

Seungkwan felt a hand in his, it was Mingyu's. Seungkwan could tell that even if he was blindfolded. Mingyu's thumb kept rubbing the back of his hand as Wonwoo tried to question the girl. "Do you rememebr where you came from?" The girl just blanked out.

"This won't work.. Mingyu, did you have a one-night stand with her once?" Wonwoo turned to the prince as Mingyu nodded slowly. Seungkwan just looked at Mingyu and smiled. Squishing his cheeks with his hands as Mingyu couldn't help but grin. "Sorry for shouting at you.. I didn't mean to." Seungkwan mumbled in his ear as Mingyu nodded.

"Okay my supposed fiancé and Boo, let's go bring her to Mingyu's room." Wonwoo stated as Mingyu tilted his head. "To see if any memories get brought back. Dumbass." Wonwoo had a blank face as Seungkwan gasped lightly, slapping the Fire Prince's shoulder.

"Hey! Be nice Wonwoo." Seungkwan pouted and Wonwoo sighed. "Fine. But if he has that dumb look again I will—"

"You will what?" Mingyu started to get up front and personal with Wonwoo as Seungkwan let out a breath and pushed Mingyu away as he held his prince's arm. "Don't fight now, guys. We have a problem to solve."



"You two are such kids." Seungkwan let out another sigh as Mingyu chuckled.

The trio brought the girl to Mingyu's quarters. Letting her sit on the bed to get any memories. "Is anything coming to you?" Wonwoo questioned and started a incense in the room as the girl hummed. Her eyes looked cloudy for the time being. Seungkwan just assumed memories were coming back to her. He shivered at the thought but ignored it. It had been months, so it's probably taking a while for the memories to jog back.

Once her eyes cleared up, she gasped, panting as she held her chest. "Help.." She panted out as Wonwoo patted her shoulder. "You okay?" She nodded as she looked up at Wonwoo.

"You're handsome.. But that's not the point.. I was kidnapped.." She spoke as Seungkwan scooted closer. "Do you know who?" He asked as the girl shook her head. "How long has it been since you were here?" She looked like she was thinking about it.

"About the end of spring." Mingyu gaped. It is the fall season now. The leaves were starting to crisp and redden.

"Spring?" Seungkwan's eyes widened. "Do you know where you were kidnapped?" She looked distracted as Seungkwan asked again. She was tearing up as Mingyu was starting to get impatient.

"Just answer the damn question." Mingyu spoke as Seungkwan and the girl jumped in surprise. She started to cry even more as Seungkwan hugged her. "Gyu, I think you need to take a break. Your mind isn't at ease." Seungkwan told him as the prince shook his head stubbornly.

Wonwoo headed over to where Mingyu was standing. "Yeah, I think you need a break Mingyu. Your dad was just assassinated and you're thinking a lot of things." Wonwoo escorted him to the door and Mingyu shook his head over and over. Wonwoo shut the door on his face.

Mingyu was anything but tired. Why did they have the audacity to send him away? He was the new king of this nation.

Mingyu just sighed as he couldn't even go to his quarters. They were in it. It's barely still dusk as he sat on a chair. He recognized someone walking towards him. Joshua! His trainer! "Hi Mingyu, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping? I know it's tough to mourn and grieve. But at least get sleep." Mingyu shook his head and grabbed onto Joshua's arm. "Please help me get into my quarters."

"What do you mean? Don't you live there? Can't you earth bend your room?" Joshua had a look of confusion. Mingyu pouted, "But Seungkwan and Wonwoo are there. They won't let me in." Mingyu pouted as Joshua nodded.

"Okay fine, just because you're panicking right now." Joshua headed towards the quarters and knocked on the door.

"Mingyu you have to stay—" Joshua waved and smiled. "You must be Prince Wonwoo. Nice to meet you, I'm Joshua Hong." He had a hand out to greet the Fire Prince he'd never met before.

oooh joshua hong! im so sorry for the really slow updates on here

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