4. jealousy?

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"Yes Prince Mingyu?" He gazed up st the prince that hair was tussled and messy. Seungkwan wondered why before Mingyu's face went down to his height. He was inches away from Seungkwan's face and Mingyu just stared at his lips.

"Prince we need to go to training lesson—" Seungkwan was cut off as the other pulled him into a kiss. He was very startled by the kiss. Seungkwan just held onto Mingyu's shoulder and gripped. He swore the prince had chuckled or smiled into the kiss.

Seungkwan got enough strength to push the prince away. It was now Mingyu's turn to be shocked. "What do you think you're doing?" Seungkwan spat as he rubbed his lips. Blushing a little bit as the prince recovered from being pushed back.

"Claiming what's mine." His eyes sharpened and examined Seungkwan all over as the body guard just stood there. Shaking his head and sighing, "Prince. I'm not yours.. I'm my own person—"

"Is it that butler, that little one?" Mingyu interrupted him for the nth time. Seungkwan was starting to get ticked off at the prince. How dare he think he can just kiss Seungkwan?

"Chan? No! No way! He's just a friend." The shorter glared at Mingyu before sitting in a chair. "I was over here worried that you had been kidnapped and you're just here to play around."

"Chan? I saw you guys link arms and you were singing to him!" Mingyu argued back, walking towards his body guard and lifting his chin with one finger. "Don't you think I'm way better?" He smirked as Seungkwan scrunched his face. The younger could feel his cheeks heating up.

"This isn't about who's better or not! This is about how I thought you were in danger and you just decided to play tricks on me? It's not like we're together so stop acting like it!" Seungkwan shouted back in the prince's face. This was just the last straw as he pushed the prince onto his bed and left the room.

Mingyu was stunned, just laying there before letting his legs lift him up. He made a bee line towards the door of his quarters to command Seungkwan to stop. Once the prince opened the door, his eyes widened and then sharpened.

Seungkwan was sitting on the floor while a boy sat next to him. "You have a crush, who?" The body guard, his body guard asked the other. "You.." Was the only think he heard before he decided to not eavesdrop on the conversation.

Why was he getting so riled up because of that little guy?! Mingyu could literally beat up the kid with his bare hands. But he didn't think Seungkwan would want that.. So he wouldn't.

No way did he actually like Seungkwan.. Did he? But he has had no attraction to anybody before.. Only one night stands. Never more. So why did Seungkwan make his heart feel like he'd just ran aroud the fields to catch a dog?

"You know, that guy at the café.." Chan mumbled after the first word. Seungkwan just laughed. "Which one?"

"The guy who seemed all happy and stuff.. He seems so fun to be around. And he's attrative, and funny.. But I know you won't approve of him." Chan played with his own fingers and Seungkwan spoke. "That was Soonyoung, and I do approve, what makes you think I don't?" He was curious.

"Oh! Really?! Thank you so much hyung!" He excitedly hugged the other and Seungkwan laughed, nodding.

At the same time, Mingyu had decided to peer out the crack in the door and saw them hugging. He grimaced.. Are they together?

Mingyu trudged towards Seungkwan once Chan left. "Congrats on your new boyfriend." He spat and left, going to his quarters. He knew he sounds like an angsty teenager, but Seungkwan was his.

hello! if you like soonwoo, please if you can, read my new fanfic i have up, it's called
"that's so grim" and grim reaper wonwoo agenda.

also please read my other fanfics as well!

the stars in your eyes is a gyuboo/boogyu fanfic where seungkwan meets mingyu while working at a dog daycare.
little angel is a jihan fanfic where jeonghan is apart of a babysitter agency and meets joshua through it.
thats so grim is a soonwoo fanfic where soonyoung had died and wants to come back to life. but only a grim reaper can bring people back.

you can always check out my seventeen oneshot fanfic as well! it's a collection of oneshot ideas i write out ^^

and sorry for the long author's note! now see you next time!

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