7. friends

386 16 0

Mingyu and Seungkwan were sprawled on the Prince's bed. Well, mostly Mingyu, Seungkwan just sat on the other's bed while Mingyu complained. "Just lay with me! I promise nobody else has been here since you came into my life~" He hummed and Seungkwan nodded, slightly scooting to the headrest and leaning onto the cool wood.

"I have to do training again! And Joshua is so rough to me, he keeps poking me with the sword!" Mingyu whined and Seungkwan scoffed, sort of, more of a laugh. "You should see me training Seungcheol, he's the one to hear complaints to." Mingyu perked up, pouting, "Most of the time, he's red and pouty!"

"Because I'm teasing him because of a crush he has, it's cute." Seungkwan's lips pulled into a smile and Mingyu nodded, "His crush on short butler's brother?" Seungkwan's eyes widened, "You know Chan's brother is Jihoon?"

"I mean Cheol runs his mouth about Jihoon everytime he speaks to us." Mingyu grinned thinking about his goof friend. "Forget about them, how are you? My bodyguard? Is work fun?" Mingyu wiggled his eyebrows.

"It's okay," Seungkwan looked at the handsome prince. "Just okay?!" Mingyu's eyes widened and he pouted, and Seungkwan giggled, fluffing Mingyu's hair up.

Mingyu frowned and puffed out air, turning away. "You're too mean, Kwan." Seungkwan smiled, squishing Mingyu's puffed up cheeks. The sunlight perfectly framing Mingyu's sunkissed tanned skin.

"You'll be a great king Mingyu." Seungkwan murmured in his ear. Mingyu hummed, gazing up at Seungkwan. His eyes were dipped in stars, glimmering with the sunlit sky.

"Really?" He really looked like a puppy. Seungkwan nodded and pet his hair, he noticed that the prince's ears were pink. "Yes of course! Now, what do you want to do?" The body guard asked and Mingyu chuckled. "I can show you the festival the royals have when it's close to fall."

"Really? I've never been, maybe because the King really doesn't attend those events." Seungkwan noted and Mingyu's eyes glittered, "Really?! That old man really doesn't know how to have fun!" Mingyu teased about his dad and Seungkwan wasn't sure if he was allowed to laugh.

"You can laugh, Kwan! I know I'm funny." Mingyu reassured his body guard and patted his shoulder. Seungkwan giggled and pushed Mingyu off of his bed. "Hey! That hurt!"

Mingyu pouted and then continued. "I can bring you! It'll be beautiful! The warm colors, the children running around, you can invite your mom too! I know you must miss her." Seungkwan's eyes brightened at the mention of his mom.

"We can check on the café!" Seungkwan suggested and got off of the Prince's bed and walked out with Mingyu stumbling after him. Mingyu held Seungkwan's hand and walked through the main hallways out of the palace. The people stared at them weird and Seungkwan tried to let go of Mingyu's hand, but the boy kept holding it again.

Seungkwan likes Mingyu as a friend, definitely. No way as in like like. Seungkwan rubbed the sides of Mingyu's hand softly as they approached the café. Three familar heads were in the café. Seungkwan opened the door to see Jihoon, Chan, and Seungcheol.

"Hey guys!" Seungkwan chimed while he held Mingyu's hand along with him. "Haven't seen you guys in a while, how are you?"

Chan seemed tensed up, Seungkwan was suspicious. "Oh I-I'm fine! How are you Kwannie?" Chan giggled, he seemed nervous. Mingyu scowled secretly at Chan before Seungkwan answered. "I'm doing great, Mingyu isn't half as bad as I thought!" He pulled Mingyu close.

Mingyu flushed red a little and he caught a stare at him. He glanced up and saw Jihoon glaring at him like he had laser eyes and would kill him. Weird. He's weird, he doesn't know why Seungcheol likes him.

"Mingyu-ah! Haven't seen you in weeks, how are you holding up with Seungkwan? He's a tough cookie!" Seungcheol headed towards his friend to lean his head on his shoulder and talk. Seungkwan didn't mind, totally. They were friends of couse!

Friends. Of course! Friends kiss, friends hug. Seungkwan had kissed both Chan and Vernon before to test. Of course. He's kissed Mingyu maybe once or twice. But that doesn't mean that they're together.. Does it?

No way it does.

"Hey Jihoon!" Seungkwan came back to reality and called to the older. Jihoon looked focused until he looked up at Seungkwan. "Seungkwan, how is it? The palace?" 

"It's great, the only negative is that big puppy over there." Seungkwan joked and pointed at Mingyu and the prince put on a frown. "Are you talking bad about me?!" Mingyu appeared next to Seungkwan and pouted. Seungcheol was giggling about it and Jihoon was unamused.

"No way!" The shorter smiled and patted Mingyu's head while on his toes. Mingyu's pout disappeared and reappeared as a smile and he picked up Seungkwan. "Hey! Put me down Gyu!" The body guard slapped Mingyu's shoulders.

The customers were most likely staring at them and Seungkwan blushed. He was embarrassed, he's currently being held by the prince of this country basically. Also, Mingyu wasn't letting go. He just hid in Mingyu's shoulder until the other let go.

"What happened Seungkwan-ah?" Mingyu murmured and Seungkwan shook his head, he was blushing. Did friends make you feel like this? "N-Nothing, it's a bit embarrassing." He mumbled as Mingyu hugged him. The other is very affectionate, Seungkwan noted.

"Let's go back, I can show you the garden! And Chan, shouldn't you be working?" Mingyu pulled away and held Seungkwan by the arm and ran. "Yah! Kim Mingyu! You're gonna dislocate my arm if you keep doing this!" Seungkwan scolded and Mingyu stuck his tongue out while they ran back to the palace.

Seungkwan puffed his chest and took his wrist from Mingyu. "It's all red dumbass!" He shoved his wrist in Mingyu's face and he smirked. "Shouldn't you not call the Prince of Ba Sing Se, a dumbass?"

Seungkwan gasped and covered his own mouth. "Why didn't you tell me there were other people here?!" Seungkwan whined and Mingyu just laughed, holding Seungkwan's face. He felt his cheeks warm up.

After they'd rested at the garden, they sat down in the garden bench, hoding hands. "Don't you think Chan and Jihoon were weird?" Mingyu suddenly asked and Seungkwan tilted his head. "Chan was a bit strange, he was very nervous. Maybe because of his crush or something."

"Crush? On who?" "Not telling!" "Pleaseee~" "Not you or me!" Seungkwan hummed and leaned on Mingyu's shoulder. It felt magical, the suns rays blasted onto the plants, helping the chloroplasts while it help Mingyu's godly looks glow. The way they were close, leaning on each other, Seungkwan could only dream of this.

But they're only friends. Only.

thank you for 300 reads ^^

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