14. fire prince

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Mingyu had felt terrible. His father was just assassinated by someone who he has no idea about. He held in his tears for the most part, he didn't like people seeing him cry.

Seungkwan heard small sounds and whimpers from above him as he watched Mingyu, eyes riddled with concern as he rubbed the prince's back.

"It's my fault, there are times I've wished he weren't here.. I've cursed him." Mingyu's voice seeped out as it cracked like twigs. "I can't.." Mingyu ran out of the throne room, at the cloak covered over the king as he ran out to get rid of these strings.

He felt a small tug as he saw Seungkwan staring at him, wide eyes sparkly through the sunlight.

"I know you might blame yourself, but it isn't your fault.." Seungkwan spoke in a gentle voice as Mingyu intently listened. Eyes staring at him as Mingyu shook his head.

He saw Chan come out of his quarters, his mind was muddled. "It's him! He killed my father!" Mingyu pointed at Chan and accused him. It's his fault. He distracted him, if he was around his father more, this wouldn't have happened.

Chan looked confusd as ever as Seungkwan stood in front of Mingyu's view. "I know you hate him. But isn't this too far? He—" Mingyu gripped his shoulders harshly and got closer to Seungkwan. "Kwan, you don't understand. He did it! I know why too, he just hates me so much that—"

"Mingyu.." Seungkwan's eyes gazed up at the other, "You're not thinking clearly, this will affect you, go clear your mind I will prot—"

"No no! You aren't thinking clearly! I am perfectly fine." Mingyu spat as he pushed Seungkwan aside. Running off to a place unknown to the Prince's bodyguard.

Seungkwan was left there.. Alone. He sighed as Chan made his way over, "Why'd he just accuse me?" Seungkwan took a breath in, "He's not thinking clearly because this just struck him.. I'll let him rest for a while." He hummed lowly as Chan slowly nodded. "Send him my condolences."

Mingyu ran and ran until his legs took him somewhere where it wasn't the kingdom.

He felt heavy, his heart, his legs felt like mush as he landed on his knees. Laying in a field of wheat or things that had resembled wheat. He felt exhausted, it must've been hours since the incident. The sun was already dipping into the dark night. He wondered why Seungkwan hadn't followed, he been too harsh?

"What are you doing here on your lonesome, Prince?" A voice echoed from the night sky as Mingyu flinched, looking behind him as he saw a face looming over his laying body. Out of reflex, he earth bended the ground, knocking the stranger with a block of rock just enough to move him back.

He instantly stood up. "Who are you? And what do you want?"

"Ouch.." The voice hummed as the person got up, a cloak covered them like a blanket as the person had strands of hair poking out. "Congratulations, new Earth King." Mingyu glared at the words as the person came into view.

Jeon Wonwoo.

"I'm here since I heard about the news, took the first dragon I could find and got here. I'd figure I'd send my condolences while meeting my fiancé." Wonwoo looked up at the empty night sky, not a star in sight, not even the moon.

"You'll never be my fiancé!" Mingyu shouted through the empty, whistling fields as Wonwoo nodded. "You've seen through my plan, haven't you? A certain someone contacted me, and I am here to help." Wonwoo flicked his fingers through the tall field.

"Seungkwan?" Mingyu tilted his head as Wonwoo nodded with a smirk.

"He asked me to be here since there's a commotion happening with your things being stolen, common thing for a playboy now, isn't it?" The fire prince lit a fire between his fingers as he let the fire roam around with the blowing winds.

"I-I'm not like that anymore! I'm more, like different!" Mingyu had a small lisp as Wonwoo chuckled. "That's the lisp Seungkwan was yapping all about, cute." Wonwoo blew out the fire on his fingertips.

"Let's get to work Prince Mingyu, Seungkwan's probably waiting at the doorstep of your quarters." Mingyu nodded firmly as he followed Prince Wonwoo out of the fields of dainty wheat.

He was right. Seungkwan was sitting on the steps of outside of his quarters. Seungkwan sat with hands cupping his own face with a pout. Eyes with tiredness weaving throughout his pupils.

Seungkwan's eyes were closing on his own. He'd been waiting for Mingyu to come back. He gets it. When his dad had been murdered, he ran away for two days, but he came back because he missed his mother.

"Hey, Mister Boo Seungkwan." A deep voice filled the silence as Seungkwan shook himself awake and stood up. Bowing as he examined Prince Wonwoo, he seemed a little shorter than Mingyu, but still tall. He also was extremely handsome as well.

"Prince Wonwoo! I wasn't sure if you'd seen my message, I'm glad you did." Seungkwan pulled Wonwoo in for a hug after slightly jumped to reach his height.

"Don't worry Boo, I always read your letters from the messenger hawks*. You're my good friend of course." Wonwoo rubbed the other back as Seungkwan's cheeks couldn't go down from how happy he was.

"Wait, Kwan-ah, you know him?" Mingyu chimed in as Seungkwan's eyes widened. "Mingyu! I'd thought you had gone off. You met Won on the way?" He asked as Mingyu nodded with a slight grimace. He even has a nickname for Wonwoo? Hmph.

"Let's get to business." Wonwoo got them back on track as Seungkwan hummed, holding Mingyu by the arm and running after Wonwoo.

* messenger hawks - what people in the avatar: the last airbender universe used instead of texting

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