20. betrayed

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Wonwoo. Mingyu saw Seungkwan's best friend (or whatever), he was distressed, Seungkwan just passed out and the body guards are piling up closer to him and Joshua.

"Joshua! And Mingyu too." Wonwoo shouted as he reached the floor, slipping a little as he shot out fire from his hands, burning a guard's hands.

"That's right, don't think you can hit Boo without a consequence." He winked with a smile as Wonwoo went to help Joshua out. "Here Shua, hand me the crowbar." Joshua had a random crowbar in his hands as Wonwoo heated up the crowbar.

Mingyu watched in awe as Joshua smacked a man square in the face with the burning crowbar. Ooh, that must hurt, Mingyu clicked his tongue, almost feeling sympathetic for the guy.

"Hey guys, can I take Seungkwan?" Mingyu chewed his own lip in concern because the younger was passed out cold. His bodyguard isn't here to protect them, meaning that they are vulnerable to everybody after them. Mingyu didn't wait for an answer as he scooped Seungkwan in his arms and earthbended a slide to the palace once again.

He hurried to tuck Seungkwan into his bed and shut the door closed with a slab of rock so that someone couldn't kidnap him. Mingyu looked around his room, great Kim Mingyu. Where do you go now? He facepalmed himself as he had to nudge himself out from the slim window.

Mingyu squeezed himself through the window as he made his way back to the alley where Joshua and Wonwoo were. "What happened?" Mingyu asked as there Jihoon was, apprehended by Joshua in tight handcuffs.

"Wonwoo is on the way to apprehend Seungcheol, we need him, this guy, and Chan to be in one place when Seungkwan awakes." Joshua explained quickly as Jihoon tussled and turned, making it difficult for Joshua until Mingyu earthbended his legs to the floor.

"Tell me, why did you betray Seungkwan?" Mingyu inched closer to a Jihoon who was still adamant on getting out and away. "Tell me, now." Mingyu glanced to the side and all his jewelry and miscellaneous items scattered in disarray.

Jihoon scoffed and laughed in a way that chills went down Mingyu's spine. "I was never Seungkwan's friend, Chan was. I never liked him for working alongside royal scum like you."

Mingyu almost blew a fuse, a vein almost popping as he bended a few rocks behind him as Joshua tapped him out of it, shaking his head in disapproval. "Don't, he's trying to rile you up."

"I order you to take him away, before I take care of him myself." Mingyu harshly spat as Joshua nodded reluctantly. The Prince scoffed once he saw the makeshift jail filled with maids and butlers. "Shameful, that's what all of you are. Deciding to rob from the palace and killing my father?"

Mingyu shook his head as he spotted Wonwoo standing with a struggling Seungcheol, moving around and whining. "Mingyu!" Seungcheol's eyes were like a puppy's, "Hey, get me out of here, we've been friends for five years, right?"

Sympathy card, Mingyu scoffed, seeing his once best friend in cuffs, the one best friend he never thought would betray him. "You're dead to me." Mingyu spoke with a heavy stone in his tone, he could watch the light in Seungcheol's eyes dim.

"Wonwoo? Take him away to Joshua." Mingyu commanded as Wonwoo nodded firmly, handling Seungcheol as they took a carriafe to the palace.

Mingyu let out a breath, today was a lot. How did it even get this far? Betrayal from his closest friend. His jewelry and weaponry now scattered on the dirt and dust.

Mingyu compiled all of his jewelry in his pocket and his swords in his arm. He looked like he just robbed a jewelry store if it wasn't his items.

All they needed now was Seungkwan.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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