Chapter Four, "History Is Repeating Itself.."

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Bdubs snuck away in the early morning light while Cub and Scar were still asleep, running off to the Mycelium Resistance HQ. He saw the hermits snuggled up next to each other, huddling for warmth in these cold fall nights. He heard shuffling coming from a far corner, he turned to see Grian stretching.


“Hello Grian, how’re you doing?” He whispered as he trotted to where Grian and a few others were lying.

Grian yawned “Mhh pretty good, why are you up so early?”

“Had to escape Scar, couldn’t let him know I was leaving.”

“Oh… Are you hungry?” G got up, giving sleeping Mumbo the whole blanket, that they were once sharing..

“Uh- sure.”

Grian walked down the hall to the mooshroom farm room, coming back a few minutes later with a bowl of warm mushroom stew.

“Thank you Grian…… You should get back to sleep….”

“Nah I’m already up….. Actually we need to talk about something…”

“What is it?”

“Our base….. We need a new one.”

“Why’s that? I thought it was secret enough…..”

“Etho gave the information to Scar…….” Grian sat at the table, adjacent to Bdubs.

“Well then…… We can use my castle…… I have a big basement…..”

“Sounds like a plan……….. When does Scar usually wake up?”

“Nine O’clock…….” Bdubs checked the grandfather clock by the mycelium source block. “We have four hours… Should we wake them all now?”

Grian pondered for a few seconds “Let’s wake them now….. We have lots to carry”

“We can leave the mooshrooms here…. I have lots of food at my base”

“Okay….” Grian seemed really tired.

“Hey, I can round up the hermits…… You rest here while you wait.” He got up and moved to the closest wall to him, where the ZIT crew were, the tallest of their heap, Tango, was in the center of them.

“Hey guys…” Bdubs crouched in front of them. “Time to wake up…”
After a few minutes he had gotten everyone up, now they were packing up what they had into shulkers.

“Are you sure I can’t bring Mary?” Ren asked Bdubs, patting a mooshroom's head.

“I mean if you really want to………”

“Thank you, Dubadubs!!”

“I should wake Gri-”

“No, I’ll carry him. He stayed up really late last night, worrying” Mumbo cut Bdubs off.


They all got there in an hour, unloading in the castle.

“Here we are…………” Bdubs sat at the long table in the main room of his castle.

“So we need a plan?” Impulse questioned.


“LET’S DO IT THE BOOMER WAY!!!” Tango jumped on the table, trying to prove a point.

“Heh, no no Tango, we need to be safer……. Y’know I’ve noticed something….” Bdubs shook his head….. “Never mind…”

“No, c’mon tell us…” Tango sat in front of Bdubs, still on the table.

“It's just… all of this seems familiar….. Like this all has happened before….”

“What exactly do you mean….”

“Remember Grian’s time machine…….”

“Oh yeah the hippie revolution!” Impulse giggled.

“So it’s possible to go forward in time?”


“Interesting….. I have a theory…. Doc you know how time machines work…. Right?”

“Well… Kinda….. Why?”

“A time glitch seems to have happened…”

“W-what does that mean…”

“The similarities are uncanny……… The heists, the tag.”

“I suppose….”

“Mhhh I knew this was stupid……” Bdubs leaned back in his chair. “We still need to defeat Scar…..”

“Right…… So where is the food you said you had?” Impulse changed the subject.

“The kitchen is down the hall…” B said, as Impulse ran down the hall.

“D’ya think you need guards around here?” Wels asked.

“Actually yeah, we need to protect the most wanted…”

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