"Excellent. Let's go hunt ourselves a bounty." I smirked and lead the way out of the store.

"Wait, you guys were just kidding about the bullet sponge thing, right?" Bazalt Joe caught up to us.

"Ugh. Bazalt Joe? You let him come along with you?" Kureha interrupted in disgust.

"He isn't all bad. He helped me out in a pinch, that's for sure." I admitted.

"He actually helped?" Zeliska wondered.

"Well, Yeah. I was incapacitated by a sniper and he definitely came to save my bacon." I assured.

"Incapacitated? How did that happen?" Zeliska wondered, not recalling such a time.

"You and Itsuki were on the opposite side of our position when the sniper bullet knocked me down. Bazalt Joe wouldn't leave me behind." I began.

"The others on their way too?" Joe asked as we sprinted thru the ruined city streets.

"They're looping around right side for a wide flank. If we get there quickly, we might be able to-" I felt a bullet pierce my thigh and I suddenly fell forward, collapsing to the ground.

I grunted and rolled over, seeing red shard particles leaking from my now missing leg.

"K!!" Bazalt Joe turned back and swiftly drew his pistol before rushing over to my aid.

"There's a sniper! Get back!" I instructed.

"Not without you." He refused, grabbing the back of my outfit and dragging me along the concrete.

I watched as a projectile suddenly hit the concrete right next to me and I was able to clearly see the red bullet line. With haste, I aimed my assault rifle and began to manually semi auto my gun in order to land many quick shots. I missed the first five bullets but the sixth popped his head instantly as I was pulled behind a fallen truck.

"Sit still, I'll patch you up." Bazalt Joe pulled out a glowing green syringe and injected my thigh.

I winced in pain but watched as the red game grid quickly formed the shape of my leg. It's glowing lines suddenly changed to blue and matter began to rematerialize what was missing. Once it finished at my boot, I wiggled my foot to be sure that it was my real leg and surely enough, I was right back to normal. I was about to pick myself up when Joe offered his hand to help me.

"Thanks, Joe. I owe you one." I took his hand with a nod.

"Don't mention it. Come on! We can still make the ambush if we hurry!" He lifted me up and rushed ahead.

"Right! Let's line em' up and knock em' down!" I sprinted alongside him with my G36C confidently in my hands.

We rounded a corner and watched as three enemy players unloaded their guns on a distant concrete barrier. Zeliska suddenly popped up from behind it and fired a loud shotgun shell towards her aggressors. Before she could readjust her aim, a bullet grazed the side of her neck and she dropped low with a struggling gasp.

"Zeliska!" Itsuki yelled, rushing and sliding to her aid.

"Come on, K! Let's deal some damage!" Bazalt Joe stepped out.

The Crystal Swordsman: Alfheim's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now