Prom Night: Part 3

Start from the beginning
                            's good to have friends...

Once we were out Freed asked me something. "Have you calm down yet?" I rolled my eyes. "Have you calm down yet?" I mocked. He laughed.

"Same old Mira I see." He said. "If only...but that will never happen...also can you put down now?...I feel the blood rushing to my head." I was getting feet were numbed as were my legs.

"Are you sure you've completely calmed down?" He asked again as we stopped.

"Yes...please put me down." I whined. The way he started putting me down was he got me off his shoulders then bridal style and when my feet touched the ground my legs gave out. Freed grabbed me.

"Thanks." I said. "No prob." He smiled.

"Ok so it seems that we have to talk this out by we...I mean Laxus and you Mirajane...I hate see no great grandchildren not running around." I coughed accidentally choking on my own face turning red.

"Wha-?" Laxus was blushing pink. " back to what I make this a true reality..." Makarov pushed us into a room.

"We're locking you inside this room...until you talk it out we'll be back in an hour and half." I heard Evergreen's heels clicking down the hall.

"You can't be serious! Freed! Makarov! Bickslow!...Evergreen!?" I cursed under my breath as I slid down the wall and Laxus was just standing there.

" least they locked us in the bathroom."

God is saying your life right now!


Nobody's P.O.V.

"Where's Mira and Laxus going?" Yukino asked. Lisanna shrugged. "Who knows?" Lisanna was sipping her cup. "Lucy...have you notices that this taste pretty weird?" Lisanna asked waiting for a answer she only received the sound of blasting music.

She looked to side and saw Lucy zoned off in another world. Lisanna sighed and pinched Lucy's arm...hard. "Damnit Lis!" Lucy cursed. "What's up with you lately?" Lisanna asked sitting down next to her. Yukino looked at the two before walking away. "Life in general." Lucy said sighing.

"Lucy I'm serious." Lisanna said in serious tone. "I'm serious too!" Lucy's voice got slightly loud. "Lucy talk to me its not good to hold things in haven't we already been through this." Lucy had a flashback of when she was younger and someone told her the exact thing. Lucy shook off the feeling.

"I know, I know." Lucy sighed even more. "Then just tell me." Lisanna sat her cup down and turned towards Lucy grabbing her hand. "Spill."

"Its....about Yukino." She said. "Yukino?" Lisanna raised her hand to show how short Yukino was. "This Yukino?" Lucy nodded. "What she do...other then being a stubborn little baby." Lucy eyes traveled off towards Sting and that's where Yukino was.

"It has to deal with me, Natsu, Sting and Yukino." Lisanna nodded her head....meaning she wanted her to continue. "Ok, Yukino doesn't like me because Sting likes me and plus I had his baby....then Sting and Natsu don't like each other because Sting got me pregnant and plus they both like me...I don't have a problem any of these is so complicated that its a bitch." Lucy said feeling aspirated about the whole time. "You damn right." Lianna agreed.

"You what know!?" Lisanna shouted...she gave Lucy a sweet little sinister smile. Lucy shivered. "Uhhhhh...I don't really like that smile of yours." Lisanna smirked. "Don't worry Lucy....I got this." That's the point I don't like.

"Excuse me everyone." Lucy and Lisanna looked up at the stage...and there stood Erza showing a smile. "Excuse me." Lucy saw that Erza's face twitched. "Attention everyone, I'm speaking." Lucy and Lisanna saw red aura surround Erza.

Demons (NaLu) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now