Realities Witness (Not a Chapter) (Gruvia)

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This is not a chapter once again. This is as you saw is Gray and Juvia. This wasn't really that hard to think about because I mean it's Gray and Juvia. Make Gray a jerk and have Juvia change him and BOOM!!! There you go so here's a one-shot called Realities Witness

Juvia P.O.V.

One by one the rain fell from the sky as it cried. It was probably my fault since I made it rain. My hair wet, my clothes...soaked. The sticky feeling was so annoying. I stood outside of a cafe and watched my boyfriend betray me right in front of me. As I started away he finally looked up and saw my long wet blue hair follow behind...I'm no longer looking behind.


8:00 a.m.-

My alarm went off and I did my daily activity. Once that way done...I left for work. I was one of the secretary's in the main office of a big company couldn't really think of the name at the moment. Once I walked in was greeted by the others by two friends who I've known since high school came towards me...but Lucy...seemed worried about me.

"Juvia. Have you been crying?" She asked me.

"No no I'm fine." Smiling with my eyes closed.

"...your lying." Erza said.

"Whaaaat! Of course not." I said nervously.

"Ok your lying...and don't tell me.." Lucy said.

"Lyon isn't it." Erza had finished her sentences.

Wait are they reading my mind!?

"Yea." Lucy said. "Kind of." She shrugged while saying it.

"Fine it was." I finally said.

"Do you want to say?" Lucy asked. I sighed. "Sure why not but not now the bosses are about to come in." I said.

"Places!!" Someone yelled. We rushed to the door and stood in a straight on both sides.

We bowed polity as they walked through the door. "Welcome Mr. Fullbuster. Mr. Dragneel. Mr. Fernandes." They nodded as they walked through. I couldn't help tilt my head up a little bit our eyes meet.



"Remember your never allowed to make eye contact with your subordinates...ever."

End of Flashback-

Juvia you're so stupid! I yelled at myself in my head. Next thing I realized was that his dress shoes I was looking down at her was right in front of me. I turned my eyes to Lucy and Erza the two other guys were standing in front them as well.

"You three are goin be are new secretaries." They then walked off and they finally vanished behind a corner.

Me Lucy and Erza collapsed to our knees. "For the first time I almost lost my mind." Erza said.

"Yeah...I forgot that they told us never to look at our subordinates...I totally forgot." Lucy said hold her heart.

"I know me to I didn't want to look but...I was having a feeling-"


I jumped up and rushed off as did the others. We were standing in front of the door. "Juvia open it." "Why me? You do it." "Fine I'll do it." Erza said.

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