Chapter 19 The Coming Wrath of Metal

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"500 years in the future". "How is that even possible" Alice questioned.

"We were in limbo Alice". "Nothing exist in limbo not even time". "A week in the world of magic would be months in the world of technology". "20 minutes in limbo would be far longer" Angel said.

"Yes after your disappearance life rejuvenated on both planets and even though we still can't die nor bare children, life on the planet became even better than we thought it would be" Maliki said as dance around and looking at all the life that was everywhere.

"In fact with this new life and our immortality you can say that the natural dragon empire will last forever" Maliki said catching Angel attention.

"What are you getting at" Angel said as he got ready to make his scythe appear.

"Who needs the ability to reproduce and who need the death anyways" Maliki said as he snapped his fingers as multiple dragons appeared using cloaking technology as they surrounded the three.

"You did well to restore the planet, but your work ends here" Maliki said.

Angel equipped his scythe as Alice and Scar ran behind him as Angel got ready to fight.

"You see the way I see it you have two choices you surrender and we will lock you in the dungeon for all eternity, or you fight back and I will make my stomach your personal prison" Maliki said with a smile.

Angel looked at Serenity as she was conflicted with emotions on what to do.

"Fine I give up" Angel said as he made his scythe disappeared.

"Just one request I wish for Alice and Scar to be with me when you imprison me" Angel said as Alice looked at him in confusion.

"Don't worry I am a kind emperor I will allow it" Maliki said as he commanded his troops to take hold of the three.

Then the dragons took to the air as they flew through the sky. As they flew Angel noticed Maliki and Serenity were talking, but it looked more like arguing then talking. He couldn't tell what they were saying, but Maliki started baring his fangs as Serenity lowered her head.

"Hmmm wonder what they are talking about" Angel said.

Then they eventually got to the natural dragon empire as it was even bigger as the natural growth combine with the buildings of the mountain making it beautiful. The dragons eventually landed on a platform as Maliki commanded for Angel, Alice, and Scar to be put in the lowest dungeon. The dragon solders did as commanded and carried the three in their paws as they went into the dungeon.

"I have other matters to attend to go and do whatever it is you need to do" Maliki said as he walked away.

Serenity signed as she wondered what to do.

"Why do you love someone who treats you less then who you are" a voice said.

Serenity turned around and saw a dragon. He was relatively small and was blue and white all over. What distinguished him was the large clocks imprinted on his wings and eyes.

"Oh oracle what brings you here" Serenity said.

"I have saw a vision and came to inform you, but" the oracle said before going back to his original question.

"I don't know I guess he helps me fulfill my dreams of sorts" Serenity said as she feels unsure of herself.

"Well it is not my place to say, but I think that after the immortal fulfills the prophecy that you should fine someone who will love you for you and never take advantage of you" the oracle said.

"I am pretty sure Maliki won't allow that" Serenity said.

"That is actually what I am here for". "A castatrophy will happen soon, but you can prevent it if you notice the sign in time" the oracle said.

"Why are you telling me this" Serenity said as she walked around in frustration.

"Because when it happens it will either change you for the better or worse I just hope it is for the better" the oracle said.

"Wait what you mean" Serenity said as she looked up only for the oracle to have vanished.

Meanwhile Angel, Alice and Scar were locked in a dark dungeon with two dragon guards standing in front of the gate.

"Angel care to explain why you allowed us to be captured" Alice said.

"It is all part of the plan" Angel said.

"What do you mean its part of the plan what plan" Alice shouted in anger.

"Remember when I told you that I had tracking nanobots inside me" Angel said as he lied on who really had the tracking bots.

"Yea you said that Defiance implanted you with tracking bots so she could be able to find us no matter where we go" Alice said.

"Exactly you are not going to like it, but I am going to bring her here as a little way to get some revenge" Angel said.

"I thought you said that revenge was below you" Alice said.

"I know but given the situation I figure hey a way out and a little helping of revenge to boot" Angel said.

Then all of a sudden Scar bit Angels hand. Angel yelled in pain and yelled some more for Scar to let go of his hand.

"Serves you right Angel think such things a revenge" Alice said as she laughed.

"Yeah yeah" Angel said as he wiped his hand on his jacket.

Then they heard a loud booming sound as Angel got up. He looked out of a bared window as he looked outside.

"What is it Angel what do you see" Alice asked.

"Defiance" Angel said.

As what appeared a fireball coming straight down as everything around it started to part away from it.

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