Chapter 3 Defiance

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The monstrous Angel and Alice stood between giants of dragons. Everyone were quite surprised to see a titanic metal dragon of silver and gold as she just simply just appeared out of thin air.

"Who or what are you" Maliki asked as he maintained his composer and stop the shaking.

"What can't you tell I am a metal dragon" the silver and gold dragon said. "My name is Defiance" Defiance said.

"Don't try that metal dragons went extinct a long time ago". "Even if you are a metal tell us what class you are" Serenity demanded.

"Is that what you think". "What makes you think you are in any position to be demanding anything" Defiance said as she tilted her head.

"I find that quite pathetic that you would think such a thing especially how powerful the metal dragon race is". "Then again for insects like you whose head are so far up their asses that they could not tell the difference between left and right" Defiance insulted.

"What" Maliki said with anger as smoke came from his nose. "I will teach you to insult me" Maliki said in anger as ignited his paw.

He charged at Defiance and took a leap. He then struck Defiance right in the side of her face. The force of the attack was so powerful that it released a fiery shockwave that pushed Angel and Alice back and Serenity protecting her face with her wing. After the dust cleared everyone turned their attention back to Maliki and Defiance. Just like Maliki everyone was even more surprised that even though Maliki hit Defiance right in the face she did not move nor did she flinched. Maliki quickly jumped back away from Defiance.

"My my I believe a tiny bug bit me" Defiance said as she scratched the side of her face.

"Alice it seems to be wise if we take our leave" Angel said as he grabbed Alice.

"Alright I know a good place to rest that is near the temple of water" Alice said.

Angel using the power of wind made a black tornado under his feet. He began to fly away from the three dragons.

"Oh no you don't" Defiance said as she began to clench her paw.

Then she elongated her arm and launched it at the two, but Serenity hit Defiance with multiple of rockets from her wings. The attack did nothing to Defiance, but it cause her to move her paw away from Angel and Alice while it did manage to land a cut on Alice leg. Angel and Alice manage to fly away as Defiance paw retracted its self-back to Defiance arm.

"They got away and it because of you bugs" Defiance said as she turned to Serenity and Maliki.

"You want my attention well here it is" Defiance said.

"We will not allow you to harm the immortal" Serenity said.

"Nor will we allow you to keep insulting us" Maliki said.

"Aww how adorable the little bugs want to act big" Defiance mocked.

"Unfortunately those who prey on the weak and innocent don't deserve my respect nevertheless attention". "If you still think that you need to avenge that pathetic excuse of dragon pride then by all means come at me with all you have". "All I need is two hits one for both of you" Defiance said with a smile.

"Fine I will destroy you with my full power" Maliki said as he walked forward.

"Love let us face her together" Serenity said as she held Maliki shoulder.

"She is absoulsy more powerful we can defeat her together" Serenity said.

"I don't need your assistance I can defeat her on my own" Maliki said as he pushed Serenity away.

Maliki walked to Defiance and lit his paws on fire as he got ready to fight. Defiance simply sat down and looked at her claws completely ignoring Maliki existence. Maliki angered even more charged at Defiance and began to unleash a barrage of attacks on Defiance. Each attack release a powerful wave of fire energy that blew away the surrounding area. Unfortunately Defiance was unfazed as she continued to look at her paws as Maliki unleashed the attacks.

Then he flew into the air and began to charge fire in his mouth. Serenity seeing this morphed her wings into jets engines and flew into the air right behind him. Maliki then released a fireball that attracted Defiance attention.

"I will teach you to mock the emperor of the natural dragon empire" Maliki shouted in anger as he released a massive fireball at Defiance.

Defiance then made a small force field appear as the massive fireball approached her. It then collided with her as it released a massive explosion. Maliki and Serenity watched as the explosion destroyed the entire area. After it dissipated leaving smoke the two landed on the charred ground again.

"See that wasn't too hard Serenity you worry too much" Maliki said with pride.

"I guess you are right" Serenity said.

"Well quite a light show" a voice said attracting their attention.

"No way" Maliki said in shock.

As the smoke dissipated it revealed Defiance on a small patch of land with a blue-green energy shield that surrounded her. It disengaged as Defiance got up from the patch of earth that wasn't charred.

"Unfortunately all it did was give me a tan on my scales" Defiance said.

"How that attack is powerful enough to wipe a small kingdom right off the map" Maliki said in shock.

"I pocess and energy shield so powerful that if I wanted I could swim in the sun for hours if I wanted to". "And that is just one of the many abilities that I pocess". "Your pathetic attack stood no chance" Defiance mocked.

"Stop mocking me" Maliki yelled in anger as he charged at Defiance.

Defiance simply hit Maliki with the back of her paw. The force of the attack hit Maliki with such power that it killed him instantly as his body flopped and rolled on the ground for almost half a mile. Serenity saw in horror at how with a mere slap Defiance managed to send Maliki rolling in the ground like a rag doll for nearly half a mile.

Serenity wanted to avenge Maliki, but was just too scared to move as Defiance walked to Serenity. Serenity then tried to fight back by using glating gun and rockets morphed from her arms on her. Defiance merely walked to Serenity as the bullets and rockets did absolutely nothing to her. Then Defiance stood over Serenity as Serenity trembled with her tail between her legs. Then Defiance grabbed Serenity by the horn and brought her to eye level as Serenity could barely touch the ground.

"Let me make this clear you get in my way I will let you feel what heven is before I bring you back". "After all unlike everyone else once you die you will stay dead". "For the curse of eternal life only applies to magical creatures not metals" Defiance said.

Then she slammed Serenity into the ground knocking her unconscious.

"That was a waste of time". "Luckily I know where they went" Defiance thought.

"I thing I will walk to their location to give my body a stretch from stay in that space ship for so long" Defiance thought.

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