Final Chapter

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Defiance rubbed her eyes after the pulse temporary blinded her. Once she got her sight back she saw Angel who was pitched black on the throne.

"Angel" Defiance said as she touched Angel.

Once she did he immideitly crumbled away into nothing. Defiance surprised by this sat down.

"Great now I have to wait until he is reborn so I can complete my research" Defiance said with a sign.

"I am afraid that is not going to happen" a voice said.

Defiance heard this and looked behind her with her paw turned into a plasma gun and at the ready. She saw no one, but then she felt a paw on her gun as it reverted to its original state.

"I must ask you to not be so hostile" the voice said as Defiance look over her shoulder.

She saw a dragon the was blue and white with massive clocks for wings and even his eyes were clocks as the hands on the clocks moved with each second. The clock dragon then floated back and behind the throne as he put his paw on it.

"Just who or what are you" Defiance said as the sound of tick and tock rang in her head.

"I believe you already know who I am". "After all I was the dragon of the first immortal" the clock dragon said.

"The chronicler" Defiance said in surprise.

The chronicler bowed as he looked at Defiance again.

"What did you mean when you said it wasn't going to happen" Defiance said.

"As you know according to legend I am a keeper of time and space and I can see the past, present, and future". "Unfortunately when the immortal gave up the elements he slowly was wiping out his own bloodline". "When he gave up the element of light he was turned human". "Humans just like the rest of the world was impure so he was purified" The chronicler explained.

"So you are saying that he gave up the heart of the world to save the world" Defiance summarized.

"By doing that he also gave up his immortality also" Defiance summarized as she hit the floor.

"Yes he did and by doing so the legend of the immortal ends here when he purified the worlds". "Unfortunately there was an accident" The chronicler said as he moved around the throne.

"An accident by the universe" the chronicler said.

"An accident by the universe" Defiance questioned.

"You see when it comes to nature weather on a planet or universal scale acts like a body". "At times it will get sick and it will heal itself, but the majority of the time it's healthy and acts normally". "But then an anomaly happen in time and space". "A paradox if you will and when that happens it creates creatures or even entire races of extraordinary power". "There was 5 accident in the universe". "You were one of those accidents" the chronicler said.

"Me" Defiance said in surprise.

"Yes for I have seen the future, and you were not in any of the timelines". "Plus the timelines for the immortal was supposed to end here". "Then the accidents happened and then the immortals timeline expanded upon thousands upon thousands of generations of immortals spanning trillions upon trillions of years" the chronicler explained.

"Wait what does that have to do with me" Defiance asked.

"The accident created a flux in time and with your appearance created a fixed point in time". "It is here that am to give you two choices that will determine the future of the immortal and the direction the universe will take" The chronicler said.

"Choice what choice" Defiance asked.

Then the chronicler opened to portals showing two futures for Defiance.

"Too my left you have a future where you learn a mother's love and a mates love". "You will become a mentor to a newly born immortal, and you will teach him how fight and control his powers". "You will feel love for the immortal, but your pride will prevent you from allowing him to be your rider". "You will also find a mate, but you will find out that you are unable to have kids and your mate will leave you for another" the chronicler said.

"Regardless you stay as a mentor for the immortal, but one day you face another hybrid like yourself". "This hybrid will kill you and send the immortal on the path of revenge" the chronicler said.

"Really" Defiance as she watched her future.

"To my right you have a future where I turn you into an egg again and allow you to live a new life". "In this future you will not only have the ability to produce offspring you will also experience the love the immortal has talked about". "It will be like a drug to you and you will never get enough of it". "You will eagerly have him as a rider and you will blindly follow him to the ends of the universe" the chronicler explained.

"You will be his protector, his companion, his friend, but you will secretly desire to be his lover, and even have secret fantasy about him, but know he will never indulge your fantasy or be your lover so you settle for just be a loyal friend". "You will do everything in your power to protect him physically and mentally". "You will be so loyal to him that you will be oblivious to a dragon who is just like him and be the perfect mate to you" the chronicler said.

"You will send the immortal on the path of an explorer". "You will explore worlds together, and even when you encounter the hybrid you will not only survive, but you and that other hybrid will be arch-enemies, and you will always be victorious over your arch-enemy in battles to come" the chronicler said.

"So you are saying I have a choice of either being on old fantasy cliché, or a dog to a master" Defiance said with slight annoyance.

"If that is how you precise it then yes" the chronicler said.

"What if I don't choose either" Defiance said. "Then you will forever wander the galaxy looking for an answer you will never find" the chronicler said.

Defiance didn't like that and want the answer to her questions. "Fine I choose the right then besides I have no intentions of being a mother" Defiance said as she secretly activated a program to retain her memories.

"Alright then you will wake up 55 year later". "It would be five years extra from when the immortal awakens" the chronicler said as he made a vase appear.

"Wait why five year later and what is the vase" Defiance asked.

"Now that you will know when the time comes" the chronicler said.

Once he said that Defiance blacked out. Then the chronicler picked up Defiance egg and along with the vase in his hand him teleported to Defiance ship. He placed the egg and the vase on the table as he then teleported the ship. The ship was teleported to a planet with a futuristic utopia with dragons flying in the air and humanoid animals, and even humans roamed around in flying vehicles. There was a massive tower that stood high over the city as it overlooked. The teleported ship landed on top of the tower as 10 dragons each with a distinctive color surrounded the platform as the ship landed. Then the ship opened as the chronicler walked out with the egg and vase.

"Cherish these two well for the future of your universe may rest on there shoulders" the chronicolr said as he place the vase and egg down near the ramp and vanished.

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