Chapter 18 Limbo

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The train or what was left of it was floating in a giant void of black nothing. Even though it was all black the three could still see thanks to the little light from the train that was there.

"Angel where are we" Alice asked.

"We are in limbo the space in between dimensions" Angel said.

"What I want to know is how a bunch of humans manage to make a train jump between space" Angel wondered as he thought out loud.

"They didn't" Alice said as she point at a music note on the panel of the control pad of the train.

"The insignia of silver metal dragons so that explains it" Angel said.

"Really how" Alice asked.

"They were doing research on warp and space travel". "You know for space exploration this must be one of the prototypes". "Unfortunately that encounter with Defiance heavily damaged the controls" Angel said.

"So we are stuck here" Alice said.

"Yeah we are unless I can open a portal" Angel said as he walked to the end of the broken side of the train.

He then thought of a place he wanted to go and a portal started to open. Then it started to crack then it shattered sending Angel flying back.

"What just happened" Angel said.

He got up and tried again, but the same thing happened.

"What in the world is happening" Angel said with anger.

"Why can't I open a portal I still have the power of space" Angel said in anger.

"Maybe you are just not strong enough" Alice said.

"What I am the immortal, Mother Nature belongs to me, and I am immune to the effects of mortality" Angel said with both pride and anger.

"Are you really" Alice said as she pointed at Angels missing arm.

Angel looked at his missing arm and was reminded of his own mortality, and the fact he was becoming human as Scar lick the bottom of his missing arm as he looked at Angel.

"Oh that is right I am becoming human". "Regardless I am not spending the rest of my days here" Angel said as he got up.

Then he remembered that he was in a prototype space ship and went to the control pad.

"Angel what are you doing" Alice asked.

"We are in a prototype space ship" Angel said as he went under the control pad and started to take it apart.

"If there is one thing I know is that they tried to use the power of space to space jump". "So they had to contain it in this" Angel said as he pulled out an orb which appeared to have an entire galaxy in it.

"What is it" Alice said as she looked at it with Scar.

"This is known as the element of space". "Although I wouldn't call it cosmic powers this here is the element that space dragons use to alter small fractions of reality". "It basically ranged from amplifying their voices to knowledge of different dimensions". "If I can use this to amplify the portal we can get out of here" Angel said.

"Well I faith you can do it" Alice said.

What she said puzzled Angel for many others had faith in him to protect those 5000 years ago. Unfortunately he failed them so he was going to make sure he didn't fail again. Angel then walked to the broken half of the train and held up the element of space. Then he began to glow as a portal began to open. Then the element of space began to crack.

"Time to go" Angel said.

Alice and Scar spared no time in jumping through the portal as Angel followed just as the orb broke and the portal closed. The three rolled around in the grass until they came to a stop. The three tried to get up, but immediately fell back down as a rumble caught them off guard. When they looked up they saw a bracyosaurous walking past them.

"What is that" Alice said as she watch as the brachiosaurus walk away.

"It's a dinosaur" Angel said as he got up.

"A dinosaur like Scar here" Alice said as she peted Scar.

"Yeah, but the question remains how is it here". "I haven't saved the planet yet life shouldn't be starting until I finish" Angel said as he stumbled up a hill.

Alice, and Scar followed as they looked over the hill and saw an entire plain with dinosaurs everywhere from the ocean, to the hill, to the sky.

"How is this possible there shouldn't be any dinosaur of this quantity" Angel said in shock and amazement.

Then they heard the sound of wing and engines as they saw two dragons heading to their location.

"It's Maliki and Serenity" Alice said.

The two dragons landed in fronted them and said "immortal you return after 500 years".

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