With a snap of Michael's fingers. Two exterminators appear both sides of Belial. She tries to move away but angelic spears stop her. Their spears forms an X to block Belial from leaving her spot with the digging of their sharp nails into her shoulders. "What is the meaning of this, Michael? This is a breach of our contract." Lucifer's voice turns dark as he took a step towards them. 

"What contract?" Michael asks. Lucifer slams his cane in front of him with his eyes narrows at his brother. "You know what I mean, I allow you to deal with our overpopulation. As promised, you shall not lay a hand on a Magne." Lucifer hisses. Michael looks at Lucifer, his face held no emotion.

"I'm afraid there is no breach to our contract, dear brother." He turns his body to gesture to Belial struggling to free herself but her strength is weaken by the bullet's power. "As I recall, she renounces her family name. She is simply Belial the Fallen." Michael speak the truth. Straighten up, Michael continues on. 

"By the orders of God himself, Belial the Fallen shall stand in trial for her crimes." Michael announces, standing straight and tall. "For centuries, Heaven had waited for her to pay for her crimes. Now, we can make her pay-" He concludes. 


Charlie shouts out and tries to move but Lilith held her back. Lilith doesn't want her own daughter to be hurt or even killed by Michael. "Please! M-my aunt is a good person! She is-" Lilith gently told Charlie to stay quiet but the princess lists to Michael the good deeds Belial did even if it is small. Sadly, her words fall on deaf ears. 

 Michael watches the scene before him. He stops them by speaking up. "Charlotte, isn't it?" Charlie stops to display her teary eyes. "You aren't a Magne either, so it will be best if Heaven could dispose Hell's spawn here and now-" His green eyes glows at the thought of it. Lucifer and Lilith's expression darkens from his words. 

"You will not take away Belial either, my good man." His eyes snap to Alastor with glowing symbols surrounding him, "As you know, she belongs here." He spoke in a static voice. Belial's body shakes from his words. Pain grew in her heart as she felt the tension threatening to snap. Michael let out a short chuckle then summons his holy sword. This sword is a gift from God himself. A single swipe of his weapon means death. 

After all, Michael was the one who lead his angels to fight against Lucifer and Belial. 

A single action from either side will cause bloodshed or even death. 

No, she doesn't want that. 

She doesn't want to lose anyone she loves!

Without a single moment of hesitation, Belial tore away her captor's hands. Their sharp nails tore into her shoulders. Blood spill on the ground as Belial lifts herself from her spot to reach to tightly grasp Michael's tail coat. His eyes move to the Belial who is gripping tightly on his tail coat. Her head lifts up to Michael. Even if she can't see, Michael could see his sister's desperation to protect the ones she loves. 

"I will go with you." Belial stresses each word that left her lips, "If you promise you will not lay a single hair on anyone here...It's me what you wanted, isn't it!?" The others froze from her words. The only one who broke the tension is Jasper who shouts at her. "Why are you protecting them?! They don't deserve anything from you." His right hand tightly grips his gun. Jasper glares at Belial with anger. 

"You...sacrifice your sights to the king and queen in Hell. They paid you back with nothing! They claim to be powerful but they can't bring back your eyes. You give your love and protection to the princess of Hell. What she did in return? Nothing, she only take more from you!" His eyes snap to Alastor, pointing his gun at the demon. 

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