Chapter 28

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    "Are we really doing this, Ellie?" Seth asks from the back seat.

Alec stiffly nods his head, growling low in his chest. "I don't want to see that fucking asshole, ever again."

I sigh.

Everyone in the truck has been tense since entering the Silver Moon pack's territory a couple of minutes ago. Even though it was night time, I had no problem seeing in the dark considering werewolves have night vision.

We are now parked in front of their pack house. From the truck I could see Steve, also known as Alpha Steven, speaking to some people. He was quite tall, with a good built to him, plain faded brown hair that fell into his eyes, thin lips followed by a sharp jaw. Steve had on an orange shirt, dark jeans and a pair of random shoes. He wasn't bad looking, like most werewolf men, but his personality kills his charm.

It felt quite weird because the people were waiting outside, trying to stare and listen in on our conversation. Thank the ancestors the trucks are sound proof.

Even with over thirty pack members here, my pack had plenty of wolves for protection and security back at home.

"We shouldn't be here," Peter grit out, Ralf agreeing.

"He took everything from us when we were at our weakest!" Anthony snarled, causing the boys to get riled up.

Before I knew it the truck was filled with their roars of protests. Derrick looked lost as to what to do, staying silent while observing everything that was happening.

'Maybe now would be a good time to show them who's in charge, Ellie,' Rosie suggested through the mind–link.

She's didn't even have to tell me. I was gonna do it anyways. "That's enough!" I yelled, turning to face the men behind me.

They immediately shut up as they felt the force of my Alpha command. It was a surprise that I used the Alpha command on anyone. I never, and I mean never, use it unless I need to.

"You don't think I can feel the anger and rage for what he did to you, my pack? Knowing that I wasn't there to protect you? Believe me, you're not the only one who wants to rip his head off." The car went silent at my little outburst. No one daring to interrupt me. "The past is the past, even though he was a horrible Alpha. People change, take Damon for an example. He's changed into a whole different person. Now, when I get out of this car, everyone will think before acting because whether you like it or not, we are on Alpha Steven's territory."

Leaving that to sink in, I exited the truck and walked over to where Alpha Steve was currently standing in front of his pack members. I heard car doors opening and closing, indicating that everyone else in the other four trucks are following behind.

"Greetings, Alpha Ronnie," he greeted, offering a hand.

Taking his hand in a firm grip, I shook and let go as fast as possible without seeming rude.

I start to introduce them. "Alpha Steven, this is Beta Anthony with his mate, Rosie. This is the Third in command, Seth. And to my right is my brother, Derrick." I pointed to each person in return.

"I remember you." Steve's brows were furrowed as he gazed at Anthony.

"Before Alpha Ronnie arrived with her friend, you used to torment my pack every chance you had without mercy." Anthony's jaw was clenched tightly, Rosie rubbing his arm and whispering soothing words to try and calm him.

"Ah, the pack of rogues. I do remember," Steve casually announces, but I could here the underline meaning of his words. He was disgusted with them, and wanted nothing more than to hurt them like he did years before.

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